What triggers adding a folder to the Recent Folders list?

  1. Posts : 3

    What triggers adding a folder to the Recent Folders list?

    I've noticed that sometimes touching a folder, for example just clicking on it to look at it, or even creating a new folder, doesn't seem to be enough to get it added to the Recent Folders list. Does anyone know what actions or events trigger adding a folder to the Recent list?

    Ver 22H2 (Build 19045.2965)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,037
    Windows 10 Pro for the Bro

    Check out this link:
    Where does Windows 10 store the last visited files, recent folders, and frequent folders? - Super User

    Does that folder show everything?
    (Remember to replace <username> with your current username in that link, to access the folder)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 17,058
    Windows 10 Home x64 Version 22H2 Build 19045.4170

    Perhaps asking your question in
    Create Recent Folders Shortcut - TenForumsTutorials
    might prompt an explanation.

    I've never seen an explanation and, like you, I've never seen a pattern that explains its behaviour.

    Best of luck,
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 5
    windows 10

    The Recent Folders list in Windows keeps track of the folders you have recently accessed. The list is populated based on your actions and events within the File Explorer or when interacting with folders in various applications.

    Typically, a folder will be added to the Recent Folders list when you perform one of the following actions:

    • Open the folder directly by double-clicking or right-clicking and selecting "Open."
    • Save or open files within the folder from an application.
    • Use the "Recent" section in the File Explorer's navigation pane to access a folder.

    Simply clicking on a folder or creating a new folder may not always trigger its addition to the Recent Folders list. The list prioritizes folders that you actively engage with or access files from. However, the exact criteria and algorithms used to update the Recent Folders list may vary based on the Windows version and settings.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 432
    Windows 10

    Recent Folders is one of many "tracking method" in terms of you "keeping up to date your work and activities". Also in terms of "file recovery" it gives a good idea of that specific file location despite it's "deletion" ( which is just marking the used spot as usable to a new file ). It is also good for you to quickly look back at a file if you have a problem with the location ( AKA you just forgot about where it was ).

    Using something like "Shut Up Windows 10" is able to prevent the recent folder from "indexing" as normal.

    When you go online the "Operating System" might make a "phone-call" in terms of "telemetry" and users experience.
    Other programs ( sigh... and apps ) might also make also "phone-home" to collect various data if requested.

    Indexing ( which can be taxing on a hard-drive ) keeps your search alert to things you have accessed "recently".
    Recent Folder is just like that but more or less innocent.
    Just like Cookies, that stores settings,
    The Ole IE5 internet folder ( or whatever ),
    In terms of "Data Collecting" is part of that environment.


    Your recent-folder is probably shut-off and you want to turn it back on


    You hide it from your sight. Despite that you should be able to clean it out like any other folds as it is just a bunch of short-cuts.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 44,117
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Indexing ( which can be taxing on a hard-drive )
    No reason why it should be.

    Search indexing is done once, then updated dynamically. I.e. only on change.
    Whilst the initial indexing is in progress, it 'backs off' even on low usage, so should impose no overhead.

    If the drive is NOT indexed, a search WILL involve intensive disk usage. That's slow and is 'taxing'. To the user and the drive.
      My Computers


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