1. Posts : 737
    windows 7


    Can I hate an inanimate object. I have always been told that a computer only does what you tell it to. This freaking PC seems to have a mind of it's own. It will ocassionally open software that I DID NOT tell it to. I have had it shut itself down for no apparent reason.. In the past few days it has locked up for no apparent reason. HP's support is as usless as tits on a bore-hog.

    All it is doing right now is pissing me off every single chance it gets.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 24,091
    Win 10 Home ♦♦♦19045.4894 (x64) [22H2]

    This is why a lot of us chose to eliminate the middle man and just build our own.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 5,001
    Windows 11 Pro 64 Bit 22H2

    There are always reasons for all the issues you are seeing on your computer. You just may not be aware of what they are.
    A computer that restarts or shuts down is usually caused by Overheating or there is a power issue with your PSU.
    An app wouldn't open on it's own unless it was programed to open at a certain time, or you accidentally clicked it.
    You can always try a Clean Boot, if this works, you can leave it this way, or you can add one service or startup item at a time until the behavior starts. Then you will know what is causing the issue.
    You seem to have lots of issues and are always frustrated. We have suggested several times, when your computer is running well the way you want it, make a System Image File with one of the several Imaging apps we have suggested and save it to an external USB HDD. If you run into an issue, then you can easily restore the image and be back where you were the day you imaged the computer.
      My Computer


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