No BCD and WINRE not seeing optane
I think this install is screwed but I will try here anyway. To start from the beginning, I was using my Lenovo C940 as usual and then shut it. Couple days later I open it and it doesn't boot. It was doing a pretty common (with these) sort of loop where the caps lock light and the screen would turn on (screen black) then laptop shut off. So I purchased a CH341A and reflashed the crappy Lenovo Bios which fixed that problem. Then my Windows wouldn't boot so I used the media creation tool to make a disk and used the command prompt to try and fix the BCD cause I thought that was the problem. Mainly got access denied errors...some suggested deleting the EFI and then rebuilding it. I was able to delete and recreate the partition but could not rebuild it so that's gone. Then I remembered this drive has Optane and I noticed 27 gb volume in diskpart that's not accessible. I looked in my Windows installation and it looks new, I cant find any user data of mine. My most important stuff is backed up but there is some stuff I'd love to be able to recover. I know I'm in over my head and I'm not sure what caused all this in the first place. Any advice?