New Chromebook Won't Power On Anymore?

  1. Posts : 351
    Windows 10

    New Chromebook Won't Power On Anymore?

    Bought a new chromebook... acer spin 514 that is 2 in 1.

    Was using it and there was still a decent amount of battery left. Then i closed the lid of the laptop. When you do that, it powers off or makes the chromebook go to sleep? Then i open up the laptop and the screen doesn't turn back on?

    On the left side of the chromebook, there is an orange light that flashes every few seconds. Now why is it not powering on? Am close to positive it isn't the battery because it had a good amount left. Also went to charge my laptop but that doesn't seem to do anything? How would i wake it up from sleep or reset it? When you open back the lid of a chromebook when it's on, shouldn't it go back to main screen?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,190
    Windows 11 Pro 64 Bit 22H2

    When you close the lid on a laptop, it should go into Sleep unless you changed the power settings yourself to shutdown when you close the lid. Moving the trackpad or pressing Enter should wake it up, if not
    Any help here? Chromebook May Not Wake Up or Power On After Sleep - Acer Community

    If you continue to have problems and it's brand new, take it back and get a free replacement or send it back to Acer for free replacement or repair. It's under warranty.
      My Computer


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