How do I create my own OOBE like OSJAK did?

  1. Posts : 19
    windows 10 version 2004

    How do I create my own OOBE like OSJAK did?

    Hi, I know it’s possible to make your own out of box experience setup for windows 10/11. But I want to know how it’s done. I’m trying to make a custom one that looks like windows vista OObE and I want to know how to go about it. Anybody have any ideas?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,067
    Windows 10 Pro for the Bro

    What I would do is
    1) do a clean install of Windows 10
    2) and to look at a video like this:
    Make Windows 10 Look Like Windows Vista! - Full Tutorial - YouTube
    (I skipped through the video, looked okay. Maybe you can look at other videos and make additional settings/etc: )
    3) Then create a system image:
    How do I create my own OOBE like OSJAK did?-image.png
      My Computer


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