computer does not show make, model or serial number

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  1. Posts : 3,066
    Windows 10 Pro for the Bro

    Also, Paul, I tried your command on my computer, and it gave me an output like so:
    computer does not show make, model or serial number-image.png
    Which, from my screenshot above, those first two are exactly like stated in that screenshot.

    I see her screenshot, and I highly believe, by putting 2 and 2 together (this is an American term Vanessa =þ ), she will also get those two same results like in her picture.
    computer does not show make, model or serial number-image.png
    Don't know about the serial number though...

    But still, Vanessa, follow Paul's suggestion, and see what yours says.

    Vanessa, this is the Command Prompt that Paul is talking about:
    (On your computer, search for, and open: cmd )
    computer does not show make, model or serial number-image.png
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 13
    windows 8.1
    Thread Starter

    pepanee Is there any way you can give me the names to put in the cmd I couldn't get it here I deleted some quotes but it didn't help
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3,066
    Windows 10 Pro for the Bro


    1) Search for: cmd
    2) Press: Command Prompt
    computer does not show make, model or serial number-image.png

    Then highlight all of this next text, copy, and paste in Command Prompt, and then press Enter
    @echo off
    PowerShell (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem ^| Select ^
         @{L="' Manufacturer                           '";E={;if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.Manufacturer)) {'-'} else {$_.Manufacturer}}}, ^
         @{L="' Model'                                  ";E={;if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.Model))        {'-'} else {$_.Model}}} ^| Format-List ^| Out-String -Width 1000).Trim("""`r`n""")
    PowerShell (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS ^| Select ^
         @{L="' Serial Number                          '";E={;if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.SerialNumber)) {'--^> [NO ''Serial Number'' Present]'} else {$_.SerialNumber}}} ^| Format-List ^| Out-String -Width 1000).Trim("""`r`n""")
    computer does not show make, model or serial number-image.png
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 13
    windows 8.1
    Thread Starter

    I can't type correctly because it came with a space
    computer does not show make, model or serial number-captura-de-tela-41-.png
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3,066
    Windows 10 Pro for the Bro

    Oh. Umm.. I don't know a lot about the commands. Wait until Paul replies, he would know more.

    Paul, I noticed in the command she copy/pasted, hers says within the command "Mais", while ours would say "More". Does that affect the whole thing?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 18,032
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install

    pepanee said:
    Paul, I noticed in the command she copy/pasted, hers says within the command "Mais", while ours would say "More". Does that affect the whole thing?
    Quite possibly.

    I have never run a Script on a computer with another language. I would think that it would need the English Language Package installed.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 3,066
    Windows 10 Pro for the Bro

    Paul, I found this command online:
    wmic computersystem get model,manufacturer
    Would that work for her? On my end it shows the same results for the first two items.

    And for the serial number:
    wmic bios get serialnumber

    (and just a quick observance note: I see in the second command it mentions "bios", which most likely won't show a serial number, since her motherboard has been replaced...)
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 18,032
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install

    Hello @pepanee,

    pepanee said:
    Paul, I found this command online:
    wmic computersystem get model,manufacturer
    Would that work for her? On my end it shows the same results for the first two items.

    And for the serial number:
    wmic bios get serialnumber
    Yes, they should work OK.

    I posted what I did because I took that snippet from my Master file for her. I should have just posted the basic commands to make things easier like you have above.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 3,066
    Windows 10 Pro for the Bro

    Paul Black said:
    Hello @pepanee,

    Yes, they should work OK.

    I posted what I did because I took that snippet from my Master file for her. I should have just posted the basic commands to make things easier like you have above.
    lol it's okay, no worries at all. You have some really cool scripts. I think I got a copy of a script from you a while ago, to list my Event Viewer's items. Don't let it get to you. It's a language barrier thing with the script. We all learned something there. The scripts you write seem like they most likely need to be run on a computer with English as the language.

    & Vanessa, try the two command in my previous post.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 18,484
    Windows 11 Pro

    C:\Windows\System32>wmic computersystem get model,manufacturer
    Manufacturer                        Model
    Micro-Star International Co., Ltd.  GE76 Raider 11UG
    C:\Windows\System32>wmic bios get serialnumber
    computer does not show make, model or serial number-capture4b.jpg

    However, I believe that you have retrieved all of the information you are going to get from @vanessa655767's motherboard. The manufacturer is ASUSTek Computer INC. The model is P5GC-MX (LGA775).

    If you want the serial number of the motherboard, you are going to need to look at the motherboard for an etching or sticker.
    If you want the make, model and serial number of the computer it was dropped into, then you need to look on the computer case for an etching, sticker, or identification plate.
      My Computer


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