Corrupted account / Temporary Account / Recovering some datas...

  1. Posts : 1

    Corrupted account / Temporary Account / Recovering some datas...

    Hey everyone, I really need help from an expert. I have made mistakes with my account, and I have several questions. The situation is a bit messy now, so I'll try to be chronological...
    1. When I attempt to loggin to my Windows 10 profile, now it always logs me to a temporary account. I have no idea what leads to that mistake. Maybe it's the last update, or maybe it's because I had disabled my anti viruses and firewalls for installing a mod for a game. Anyway, now it always log me to a temporary account.
    2. I have attempted to follow tutorials on internet in order to restore it, but none worked.
    3. I have followed a tutorial that made me erase my profile account in the registry, and now I'm afraid I made the situation worse. Since I did that, is there even a tiny chance that I can get it back?
    4. I have finally created a new profile windows account and I can reach some of my files, except sticky notes where I noted ALL my passwords (not the best thing to do, but I was doing that to be quick) so I lost all my passwords for literally everything, I don't know if there is a way to get the datas of the sticky note back...
    5. And the documents folder. I can access deskop folder (in users folder), but where are the files in my documents? I had importants files there, I hope they haven't been overwritten... Do you know if I can get to my old document folder?
    Thank you for your answers...
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,706
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Hi, assuming you were indeed logged in to a temporary account, this tutorial could have helped you recover:
    Fix You've been signed in with a temporary profile in Windows 10

    - from the huge searchable Tutorials section- practical and professional- do have a look.

    However given that you say
    I have followed a tutorial that made me erase my profile account in the registry,
    this may not be feasible, if that is indeed what you have done.

    Considering access to your files: All files on your system disk will be readily accessible if you use a means of accessing them such that you do not boot and log in to any account.

    Download an iso file for a live boot disk (Google/search if you don't know what that is and what you can do with it). E.g. Bob Omb's, Hiren's ... and create a bootable disk (flash drive e.g.) from it.

    Boot your PC from that into a familiar Win 10 environment complete with utilities.

    You can then freely explore the content of your disk and rescue files from it without permission restrictions.

    As to where you go from here, you might now consider a clean install once you've recovered what data you can.

    As to sticky notes, given the present state of your system and the loss of a user account I'm not sure this will help:
    Backup and Restore Sticky Notes in Windows 10

    How else could you have recovered, quite quickly and easily, without assistance?
    a. Perhaps had you used the tenforums tutorial above.
    b. If you had been using (I assume you haven't yet learnt the value of this so aren't using it) 3rd party disk imaging as is endlessly recommended here e.g. Macrium Reflect (free/paid) etc + large enough external disk for image file storage, then you could have restored your system to 'as was' from the image files you had created.

    Those also act as a full backup. So your current fears of having lost files would not exist, as they would have been available in your disk image files (to the data of the most recent disk image).
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 17,092
    Windows 10 Home x64 Version 22H2 Build 19045.4894

    To look for old files, first look in
    You'll need to write the name of the relevant old folder within C:\Users in place of OLD-USER-NAME
    You'll have to give Admin permission to look in there.
    and I think you've tried this but you have not made any comment about what you found there.

    If your files were made by apps like Sticky notes rather than proper desktop applications like MSOffice, you'll need to delve deeper - into
    e.g. The tutorial dalchina linked you to is useful for you but you have to amend the path you are looking in to

    If you are going to ask any follow-up questions, please
    - explain where you thought you were saving your documents before the problem & what applications you used to use
    - state what the relevant old folder name within C:\users is so I can stop writing potentially confusing things like C:\Users\OLD-USER-NAME

    Best of luck,
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 18,032
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install

    Hello @LordLarsa,
    Welcome to TenForums.

    dalchina said:
    Considering access to your files: All files on your system disk will be readily accessible if you use a means of accessing them such that you do not boot and log in to any account.

    Download an iso file for a live boot disk (Google/search if you don't know what that is and what you can do with it). E.g. Bob Omb's, Hiren's ... and create a bootable disk (flash drive e.g.) from it.

    Boot your PC from that into a familiar Win 10 environment complete with utilities.

    You can then freely explore the content of your disk and rescue files from it without permission restrictions.
    In addition to the detailed advice given above, here is another similar option that many people have used with GREAT success. It is also an excellent way to extract data as it does NOT put any load [ well, minimal ] on the existing HDD/SSD.

     Linux Live USB / DVD:

    A Linux Live USB/DVD is a good emergency method of retrieving data from an otherwise UN-bootable drive or if you are having other drive difficulties.

    Basically . . .

    [1] Download the Linux ISO - I always use Linux Mint although there are others available.
    [2] Create a Bootable USB/DVD [ media ] using Rufus for example => Rufus.
    [3] Boot the media.
    [4] Copy the files, folders, videos, music, and pictures etc from the OS to an external HDD/SSD or USB.

    > Download Linux Mint 20 Ulyana

    I hope this helps.
      My Computer


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