How to enable safe mode on this asus compter
Greetings everyone,
This is my first post and i tried to post an introduction but I’m on this tiny little phone and I couldn’t see clearly how to do it. Thank you for your help in advance.
I have 2 problems, but one at a time.
I got into safe mode on this asus and no where is anything about safe mode. Its minimal.
I need to get in here with the networking in order to restore the wireless driver from realtek.
I cannot shut the computer down because the start button on this box doesn’t work anymore.
I did see when you go to the windows start and click Run and type in msconfig and go to the boot tab on bottom left side i see “Boot options” with an empty box you could click on and next to this box it Safe boot. Then there are 4 choices listed underneath Safe boot that is greyed out and one of them is Network which is what I’m looking for.
I don’t think safe mode is enabled since there is no sign of it in the bios at all.
I panicked when happened and i dunno what to do from here. Thank you for your consideration.