easiest way to move documents to new laptop

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  1. Posts : 105
    win10 professional 64 bit

    easiest way to move documents to new laptop

    Got the wife a new Dell laptop and I need to copy the documents/my documents folders to it. What is the easiest way. She has way more than 5g to use one drive. I still have an old school easy transfer cable for vista disc and the usb cable for it. Is it still a viable option or should I just copy the folders to an external hard drive then copy them to the new laptop? Old laptop is a dell on win11, the new one is also on win11. Thanks
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,447
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Several possibilities - and it rather depends if the structure is simple.. e.g. is it just a matter of transferring from e.g. a few top folders downwards.

    One thing you DON'T want to do - and that's DON'T move the files; copy them, leaving the originals in place. That way you can repeat the copy should something go wrong.

    a. Easy if you already have a disk image of the old PC.
    Just mount the disk image of the source PC on the new PC and so copy the files.

    Plus good for anything more complicated where multiple transfers might be needed: create a disk image (or better- use one you've already created- you do use 3rd part disk imaging regularly, I hope- endlessly recommended here..)

    b. Transfer via an intermediate USB3-connected USB3 disk/flash drive. Dead simple. And fast as you should have USB3 available.

    c. Network the two PCs. {(But networking is frustrating and slow to set up, so don't even consider that unless you were going to do that anyway. Transfer speed is subject to network limitations.

    Things like browser favourites, passwords if any, email client data if any - require special consideration.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 9,810
    Mac OS Catalina

    Best way is to store them in cloud storage like Onedrive.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 8,477
    windows 10

    If you use the same username on new pc set sync on and setting will transfer
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 5,188
    Windows 11 Pro 64 Bit 22H2

    dalchina said:
    b. Transfer via an intermediate USB3-connected USB3 disk/flash drive. Dead simple. And fast as you should have USB3 available.
    This is the easiest and safest way to Copy the files. Drag and Drop or Copy and Paste to the Flash drive then put drive into new computer and reverse the process.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 8,031
    Windows 11 Pro 64 bit

    Just copy them to / from a external drive or USB stick
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 2,425
    Windows 11 Pro (latest update ... forever anal)

    Use the external drive suggestions as above ... and leave a copy on the drive as the start of your backup process.

    DO NOT use OneDrive ... I guarantee you'll be back here with another post asking for help about lost files.
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 8,031
    Windows 11 Pro 64 bit

    idgat said:
    Use the external drive suggestions as above ... and leave a copy on the drive as the start of your backup process.

    DO NOT use OneDrive ... I guarantee you'll be back here with another post asking for help about lost files.
    Also the upload speed is poor - 1Mb/sec for me
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 18,032
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install

    Hello @mg8t7gn,

    I would Copy & Paste the data to an external USB, HDD, SSD, etc, and then Copy & Paste the data to the new location. This will also give to a currently transferred backup of the data if needed in the future. Also, if the initial Copy & Paste to an external USB, HDD, SSD, etc FAILS, you can just redo it.

    I hope this helps.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 105
    win10 professional 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and suggestions. I do have a spare 2tb ssd that I can use. I'll try to do it today.
      My Computer


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