Is M$ forcing me to create an account??
After around 10-14 days of struggling to 'tame' W10 into something I can actually use and run like W7 w/ Classic Shell (now Open Shell) and NT Lite, I thought I was making progress (with much appreciated support from this Forum) until I booted up this AM.
I was faced with what looked like a procedure (for lack of a better term) to sign up/sign in to M$ which I have little interest in doing. This is on a activated install of W10 Pro 22H2.
This was BEFORE the desktop showed and caught me completely off guard. I didn't take a pic of the screen but will the next time it shows.
The 1st screen gave a choice of delaying this 3 days or 'Next' which I choose. I skipped thru as best I could w/o entering any information or e-mail addresses. It clearly was pushing this on the user bragging about how great this is and all the supposed benefits.
I existed with M$ for almost 25 years without any help from them or their 'extra' services, I can exist many years more.
No idea what this is called, is there a way to stop this intrusion?