Getting black screen, no cursor, and no power to USB ports

  1. Posts : 2

    Getting black screen, no cursor, and no power to USB ports

    I have a desktop computer with Win10 on it, and it's not starting up. Just goes right into a black screen, with no cursor, and doesn't seem to be any power to any of the USB ports. I took the side off the computer and I can see a green light lit up on the motherboard, but that's about it. Anyone have any suggestions? Does this mean the motherboard is bad? Thanks
      My Computer

  2. 3nd
    Posts : 859
    Zorin Lite

    heidi2 said:
    I have a desktop computer with Win10 on it, and it's not starting up. Just goes right into a black screen, with no cursor, and doesn't seem to be any power to any of the USB ports. I took the side off the computer and I can see a green light lit up on the motherboard, but that's about it. Anyone have any suggestions? Does this mean the motherboard is bad? Thanks
    try removing the CMOS battery for a few minutes and then put it back in.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 5,210
    Windows 11 Pro 64 Bit 22H2

    What is the Make and Model # of your Motherboard.
    It's always best if you fill out the My Computer link in your profile so we don't have to keep asking you.
    When you press the power button on the front of the computer case and you do not get any fans spinning or any other signs of activity, then your Power Supply Unit has failed and needs to be replaced. Smell the back of the computer at the PSU ‹where your Power cable plugs in to, does it smell slightly burnt? That would confirm it.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2
    Thread Starter

    I pulled the CMOS battery, and drained the power, then after I replaced it I was able to boot into the bios. I also had power to the mouse. But after that when it tried to boot into the OS, it made it as far as the Asus splash screen, and died, then automatically tried again to reboot. Back to the black screen with no cursor. Could it be the PSU?

    Asus desktop computer, Win 10, with a M51AC motherboard
      My Computer


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