Mind explaining what my pc is worth today?
Apologies if this thread would be better suited for "pc-custom-builds-overclocking" but I wasn't sure that would be the most appropriate home for my topic.
hello and thank you for taking a look at my thread. I purchased my laptop notebook pc in 2016. The most resource intensive programs I use are Second Life and Zoom as a distant second. My habits haven't changed and i happy with my pc's performance.
Its been 7 years now and I have some spare change so i am considering something new. Please see attached image for my current rig that I spent just under $2,000 for tax included in 2016
What would I spend today for something comparable to my current notebook? And would starting from scratch and dropping 2K get me something insanely better graphics wise and make my experience dramatically better?
the point of this thread is not to ask you to shop or build a pc for me, unless of course you wish to. I am simply trying to get a feeling for the market these days when someone has 2K to spend but really doesn't know if they need to spend that much.