Old machine acts as if brand-new; wants me to start all over ?
My 80+-yr-old mother brought me her Windows 10 HP laptop, saying "it has just went crazy"
For several years, she has been using it as normal.
When new, I set her up as automatic user with no password --- no matter how simple, she does not need a password.
I set up myself an Administrator account for just-in-case.
Okay, now, I plugged it in and raised the lid = everything is as if it is Off --- not asleep --- Off.
I pressed the Power button and I get the screen one would get on a brand-new machine, asking me to choose language and such, and asking me to sign-in to a Microsoft account.
Nothing I do will allow me to access the machine into the existing accounts.
I have no idea what she may have done to get in this fix.
I don't really want to have to start all over and it is un-telling what all she will lose if I do.
Any ideas as to why it is behaving as it is and how do I fix this ?