Temp file issue

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  1. Posts : 9
    Thread Starter

    pepanee said:
    Since there's an article about this, this implies that other people experience the same thing. So it's very likely that this little bug just happens to randomly appear out of no where. So I don't think you did anything to "trigger" this bug

    It's completely harmless of a bug. So just ignore it for now, and look at this temp folder like a week later, and see if they stopped.

    It's too bad things at Microsoft are poorly written.
    Check it out: "Successfully converted 1 licenses..."
    "1" is not supposed to be plural, yet the word "licenses" is plural.

    They could've programmed that log file to say:
    "Successfully converted 1 license(s)", or
    "Successfully converted 1 license" and "Successfully converted 2 licenses", etc.

    Poor design in the mainframe.
    lol so true!

    Thank you everyone for helping me on this issue!

    You are all amazing!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,057
    Windows 10 Pro for the Bro

    blank said:
    lol so true!

    Thank you everyone for helping me on this issue!

    You are all amazing!
    You're welcome =)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 162
    Windows 10 Home

    The only time I personally see temp files are when I load files between devices and my laptop, then they disappear once the item is done transferring. If I interrupt the transfer then the temp file may not erase itself. So, perhaps on your PC, the mechanism that removes temp files could be interrupted as they are moved from one location to another.
      My Computer


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