MMC's Windows Sizes & Column Widths

  1. Posts : 3,057
    Windows 10 Pro for the Bro

    MMC's Windows Sizes & Column Widths

    I remember a point in time, when Windows 10 actually remembered the MMC applications' window sizes & columns' widths that you can manually adjust. Is that long gone? Microsoft no longer deals with that anymore?

    Every time I open Disk Management, I see this:
    MMC's Windows Sizes & Column Widths-image.png

    Whereas at a certain time in the past, if you resize this whole thing, Windows always remembered to open it after I customized it to look like this:
    MMC's Windows Sizes & Column Widths-image.png

    Is this true now-a-days:
    Microsoft: "We don't let you customize MMC apps no more. Too bad for you bruv."
    Is that really true?

    Or is my Windows buggin'?
      My Computer

  2. NTN
    Posts : 969
    W10 19045.2546

    I'm just happen to be at Windows 11 now, and there is no problem with making columns wider...

    So I think it may be very local for your Windows.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 3,057
    Windows 10 Pro for the Bro
    Thread Starter

    NTN said:
    I'm just happen to be at Windows 11 now, and there is no problem with making columns wider...

    So I think it may be very local for your Windows.
    I can make them wider, no problem.
    But after you make them wider, close off that window, and re-open it. Do they stay the same way you did them, or they go back to default?
      My Computer

  4. NTN
    Posts : 969
    W10 19045.2546

    No. Then back to default.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 3,057
    Windows 10 Pro for the Bro
    Thread Starter

    I see.

    I remember when it actually worked for a brief period of time in the past.
    I thought MS was liberal. I guess they became more conservative.
    Hmh... must've been the 2016-2019 years that changed them...
      My Computer


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