Right, need to see if something is highlighted in the left pane. Nothing is found in my Registry for the SubscribedContent items.
There's only one place in registry with a page like this [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ContentDeliveryManager], and the assortment is usually abit different for everyone I think. Those SubscribedContent-XXXXXs are the the only relevant part AFAIK.
I just wanted to know if anyone whats what some of them correlate to, like a specific app or feature.
When I search for and find something in the right pane there's always something in the left pane that is highlighted in some fashion, shows the section where the item is located, just like clicking a file in File Explorer usually shows the folder it's where it's located in the left pane.
0, in the parenthesis, implies that it's disabled.
According to your picture above, every single one is disabled.
Refer to Brink's response in the link I posted above.