Recovery: cant create a recovery 21H2 os build 19044.2251

  1. Posts : 17
    Windows 10 iot

    Recovery: cant create a recovery 21H2 os build 19044.2251

    Hi All: Morning

    After follwing the tutorial, i'm able to create a usmt.ppkg fiel successfully;

    When i tried to reset the system using recovery options ot treid to create a recovery drive, i'm getting a message recovery drive doesnt exist.

    I ran the command to check the usmt.ppkg file, it does it. dir c:\Recovery\Customizations /a

    Windows 10 21H2 os build 19044.2251.

    What am i missing?

    thanks for your help.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 4,226
    Windows 3.1 to Windows 11

    from command prompt (admin) type >
    reagentc /info

    if shows as disabled, type
    reagentc /enable

    reboot PC and then try recreating Recovery drive
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 17
    Windows 10 iot
    Thread Starter

    Kyhi said:
    from command prompt (admin) type >
    reagentc /info

    if shows as disabled, type
    reagentc /enable

    reboot PC and then try recreating Recovery drive
    Hi there, thanks for your reply. Ater using the above command i got the message, The windows RE image was not found.

    What should i do? thanks
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 4,226
    Windows 3.1 to Windows 11

    you need to extract the winre.wim from a mounted image and replace the missing one.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 17
    Windows 10 iot
    Thread Starter

    Kyhi said:
    you need to extract the winre.wim from a mounted image and replace the missing one.
    ok thanks. Do you have any instructions how to do this? is it this right procedure from this link : How to enable Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) on Windows 10 | Windows Central
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 4,976

    copy it out of install.wim with 7-zip
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 4,226
    Windows 3.1 to Windows 11

    Those are the commands - I gave you... The problem is the Winre.wim is missing or has been deleted (usually by removing "Recovery" Partition without first disabling "Window Recovery").. You must now replace (Extract) the require file from the Installation Media
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 17
    Windows 10 iot
    Thread Starter

    Kyhi said:
    Those are the commands - I gave you... The problem is the Winre.wim is missing or has been deleted (usually by removing "Recovery" Partition without first disabling "Window Recovery").. You must now replace (Extract) the require file from the Installation Media
    I need to extract Winre.wim from the install.wim? extarct using 7zip
    Error “Could not find the Recovery Environment” When Resetting PC >> Winhelponline
      My Computer

  9.   My Computer

  10. Posts : 17
    Windows 10 iot
    Thread Starter

    Thanks a lot it works now after coying the Winre.wim to the recovery directory then enable the recovery.

    How can i preapre a master image with bootable from USB?
      My Computer


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