callender - went back and looked over a bunch of stuff.
the box to show file ext. was not checked, so I checked it, but didnt see any file ext on the page. still not sure where to look to see what the file ending is. didnt 'merge' anything. did the 'save as'/RT. clicked 'desktop' on the left, then the name of the desktop folder in the main part of window.
mister ed, found that spot for 'open with wordpad'.
looked like so many ways to do things. gave a name to the 'stuff' I wrote. box at bottom said 'open'...clicked, it changed to 'save'. clicked, window gone. closed ('X') what was left (now I cant remember). click desktop folder icon I made/named, up comes,,,,holy crap, up comes wordpad, not word/microsoft/office/365. shows name I gave it. click, my stuff actually came up, in wordpad. but once I reboot I figure it would be gone but it was still there, and it still brought up the stuff I wrote in a wordpad window. amazing, not totally sure how/why, but I wrote down what I did that worked, I tried it again and it worked again.
another one of my trainwrecks. think I was able to figure out bits of information out of bunch of different posts, somehow. so thanks to everyone, gonna do it, reboot, few more times, Im so surprised,
- - - Updated - - -
holy crap, it even works when I look it up in file explorer.
Well choosing which application to "always open" .rtf files was explained way back in this thread. No need to merge the reg file. It's just any easy way to do the same thing. As for always show file extensions it's here:
Hide or Show File Name Extensions in Windows 10
To Hide or Show File Name Extensions using File Explorer Options
is probably the best way for you.
right now, I can do what I was trying to do before, even tho I guess I got there the wrong way. If I make note of some reminders I want to remember and I list them on a wordpad page, I can save them, and check it later.
If I keep poking around, might foul things up. what benefit do I get if I figure out 'merging', or finding the 'file exdtensions? arent things working the way I wanted now? or am I gonna click on something different somewhere, and get bombed with msoft word/office/365 all over again.
Don't do anything. But if you want see a file's extension after the file name in explorer you can set that. Otherwise you just see file names. Your choice.