Error on Start up of win10

  1. Posts : 6

    Error on Start up of win10

    HenryMain4537 - 1 Hour Ago
    Hi - I have a problem on start up - it is not a great concern and the message is easily removed by clicking on error shown . I have also downloaded autoruns but I don't see the error listed so I can't delete it. Error is as :- C;\Program Files\WindowsApps\48405\Ambient Software.WidgetsFree_4.0.5.0_x64...agy8jafh...
    Incorrect function

    Sorry had to type this up as I could not find a way to insert into the query
    not sure how to insert image but the main details are :-
    Thanks for any help you can provide
    Les Price
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,759
    win10 home

    In Powershell [admin ],type in ---dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth ---an internet connection is required.When the process has finished,then type in ---sfc /scannow ---and run it until a clean report is given.
    Also have a look in ---settings>update & security>troubleshoot and if necessary >additional troubleshooters.
    See if Reliability History has any reports.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 24,890
    Win 10 Home ♦♦♦19045.5487 (x64) [22H2]

    Quickie screenshot directions.

    1. Use the PrtSc key to take a screenshot.
    2. Open an image editor like "Paint", and click Paste > Paste, or Edit > Paste.
    3. Click on Select > Rectangular Select and drag a box around what you want to show.
    4. Click on Crop.
    5. Click on File > Save as > PNG picture and save it to somewhere like your desktop.
    6. Now, in your Ten Forums post, click the mouse where you want the pic, and then click on the Insert Image icon.

    7. Then click on.. From Computer > Browse (to where you saved the screenshot) > Upload File(s).

    8. You will then see something like this. That's your "posted" image.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 6
    Thread Starter

    Error on win10 start up

    Thanks joeandmarg0 but running those commands did not seem to fix the error on start up .

    As I said it is not a huge problem
    but it would be nice to fix it.
    Previously somebody suggested running Auto Runs and finding the error and deleting the command but I was unable to find the command line error so I guess I will live with it
    Les Price
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 24,890
    Win 10 Home ♦♦♦19045.5487 (x64) [22H2]

    HenryMain4537 said:
    Thanks joeandmarg0 but running those commands did not seem to fix the error on start up .

    As I said it is not a huge problem
    but it would be nice to fix it.
    Previously somebody suggested running Auto Runs and finding the error and deleting the command but I was unable to find the command line error so I guess I will live with it
    Les Price

    You must either quote a person or add an "@" symbol before their account name, to light up the "Notification" button at the top right. Like so...
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 991
    Windows 10 Pro

    Have a look in control panel installed programs and see if you can find a WindowsWidgets reference and kill it.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 991
    Windows 7

    48405AmbientSoftware.WidgetsFree is "Widget Launcher" from MS Store.

    You should probably remove & re-install it from the Store app.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 3,057
    Windows 10 Pro for the Bro

    Did you check out the Logon tab of Autoruns?
    (if you see it there, don't delete it; just uncheck it and restart the computer)
      My Computer


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