You could test to see if disabling all wake timers below may include this one.
Enable or Disable Wake Timers in Windows 10
You could test to see if disabling all wake timers below may include this one.
Enable or Disable Wake Timers in Windows 10
Explained here:
Attachment 384510
To reinstall:
Thanks Bro67, but its too late. There has already been much head banging, centripetal acceleration, hand wringing, and plenty of foul language.
Not your fault, but this information would have been more useful as the first reply on the post instead of the last. ;]
In any case, it lists only the mouse and keyboard, and Task Scheduler does not list anything printer related, which was shown in the even log. Apparently, the HP printer checks for something but I can't find how to disable it. May have to uninstall the "Print Doctor" app.
- - - Updated - - -
Yep, already done that.
- - - Updated - - -
OK Guys,
Most if not all suggestions have been implemented. I am leaning towards the printer software as the culprit. I will wait and see if I have the same issue tomorrow.
Thanks so much for everyone's input. What a great resource for us computer hillbillies. I'll Check in tomorrow.
Alright, that seems to have worked. The last 2 nights in a row, the computer has gotten a good night's sleep, and only awakened after repeated shaking and yelling...
It appears it was the HP Print/Scan Doctor that was the culprit, waking the computer up to see if it was sleeping. Kind of like my wife.
I don't know how you guys learn all these Stupid Computer Tricks, but I'm glad you do.
Thanks all for your service... I have no doubt I will be back with some other annoying Windows quirk. Still have not found the sleep/crash issue. If you have any more ideas, the thread is in the Windows BSOD area.