Shortcut to toggle small/large taskbar icons?

  1. Posts : 44
    Windows 10

    Shortcut to toggle small/large taskbar icons?

    Hey guys: I alternate between several monitors each day, with varying resolutions that prompt me to turn Windows' "small taskbar icons" on or off. (Otherwise they're either too tiny to see, or so big they require scrolling.) It's tedious having to open the Taskbar Settings window each time to do this.

    Does anyone know a system command that toggles "small taskbar icons", so I can use it to make shortcuts? I'd really appreciate it.

    Thanks, A.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,849
    Windows 10

    You can make a REG script. Well two.
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    Just paste that into a text file and save it as a .REG file, dword value of 1 is to enable the small icons and 0 to have large icons so make two REG files which you can name what ever you want so you can recognize which one turn it off and which one turns it on. One obviouse will have dword:1 and the other has dword:0

    You may have to restart Explorer for the effect to visually change i am not sure but this would be easy to do you would have to use bat script instead of REG ones so that you can restart Explorer after the key value is updated.

    - - - Updated - - -

    after just testing yeah Explorer needs to be restarted so here is a bat file version that also restarts Explorer.

    @echo off
    REG ADD "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" /v "TaskbarSmallIcons" /t REG_DWORD /d 1
    taskkill /im explorer.exe /f
    start explorer.exe
    Save as .bat and then you can make a second bat file that has REG_DWORD /d 0 for large icons.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 45,607
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Hi, Simply run the exe file (in the attached zip file) which I've created using Autohotkey.

    Each time you run it, the size toggles.

    A Settings window briefly pops up, and then closes.
    Shortcut to toggle small/large taskbar icons? Attached Files
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 17,092
    Windows 10 Home x64 Version 22H2 Build 19045.4894

    Batch files to do the same job

    Batch files can do the job.
    Unlike the .reg file method, you can use a shortcut to run the desired batch file and no further user interaction is required.

    REG ADD "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" /v "TaskbarSmallIcons" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
    ::Restart explorer - conventional method - closes current File explorer windows
    :: Taken from Restart explorer.exe Process - TenForumsTutorials
    ::Stop explorer.exe
    taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
    Timeout /t 3 >nul
    :: Start explorer.exe
    start explorer.exe

    REG ADD "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" /v "TaskbarSmallIcons" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
    ::Restart explorer - conventional method - closes current File explorer windows
    :: Taken from Restart explorer.exe Process - TenForumsTutorials
    ::Stop explorer.exe
    taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
    Timeout /t 3 >nul
    :: Start explorer.exe
    start explorer.exe

    Added a few minutes later after I'd seen dalchina's useful idea of toggling the state so there is only a single script to run.
    For /F "tokens=3 delims= " %%A in ('Reg Query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" /v TaskbarSmallIcons') Do Set CurrentState=%%A
    echo %CurrentState%
    Set CurrentState=%CurrentState:~-1%
    echo %CurrentState%
    If  %CurrentState% EQU 1 (GoTo SetLarge) Else (GoTo SetSmall)
    REG ADD "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" /v "TaskbarSmallIcons" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
    GoTo RestartExplorer
    REG ADD "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" /v "TaskbarSmallIcons" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
    ::Restart explorer - conventional method - closes current File explorer windows
    :: Taken from Restart explorer.exe Process - TenForumsTutorials
    ::Stop explorer.exe
    taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
    Timeout /t 3 >nul
    :: Start explorer.exe
    start explorer.exe

    The TimeOut commands are there to counter the possibility of the batch file failing when [unpredictably] it attempts to restart explorer before it has been fully stopped.
    See Bat file to restart explorer.exe sometimes fail - post #1 - TenForums

    There is a method of restarting explorer without losing File explorer windows. It involves running a PowerShell command [which can be done within a batch file].
    See KeithM updated restart explorer ditties [#42] - TenForums

    All the best,
    Last edited by Try3; 26 Jan 2023 at 08:52.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 44
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter


    Thanks, guys, for your very generous replies.

    To be honest, I assumed there was just some system statement that could be entered from a command line. (And maybe there is, but M$ never released it?) The solutions you had were quite clever, though.

    I never would've thought of using a macro app like AutoHotKey to actually open the settings window and click the toggle!

    And changing and reloading the registry on-the-fly, that's pretty amazing. I never realized Explorer.exe actually did that... It means you could make and reload any reg changes during a session. That alone seems worthy of its own thread!
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 17,092
    Windows 10 Home x64 Version 22H2 Build 19045.4894

    Ander said:
    And changing and reloading the registry on-the-fly, that's pretty amazing. I never realized Explorer.exe actually did that... It means you could make and reload any reg changes during a session. That alone seems worthy of its own thread!
    It has its own thread, its own tutorial. I put the link in the scripts - Restart explorer.exe Process - TenForumsTutorials

    The KeithM variation is just about as straightforward. I find it very handy to be able to keep open the File explorer folders that I'm working in at the time even if a problem or a Registry change requires a restart.
    $Shell = New-Object -ComObject shell.application
    $SavedPaths = ( $Shell.Windows() | select -expand LocationURL )
    Get-Process explorer | Stop-Process
    $SavedPaths | ForEach { explorer $_ }
    When checking my post, I found that Keith had subsequently updated the suggested code - KeithM updated restart explorer ditties [#42] - TenForums I have only tried the revised version once as a test about thirty seconds ago.

    I call it from a shortcut
    powershell.exe C:\Tools\FileExplorerTools\RestartExplorerWithFolders.ps1

    My speech about using a dedicated C:\Tools folder for all my scripts & portable applications is in Set up my Tools folder ditty - TenForums

    Thanks for the rep,
    All the best,
    Last edited by Try3; 02 Feb 2023 at 05:18.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 44
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    How cool is that? And when I think about the countless times I've logged out and back in on Windows to implement such changes—really, we're talking decades... Clearly it's very useful to hang out here. 😊
      My Computer


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