Local Group Policy Issue. Policy not changing. Glitch?
Hello everyone. This is my first post to this forum. I hope someone can help me out. I am having a problem with Local Group Policy. I have been experimenting with this just for learning purposes and I am stumped by something. One of the first things I tried doing was removing icons from the system tray. I figured it would be a quick way of knowing if changes are taking effect. I noticed though that if I enable the Policy called "Remove Clock From System Notification Area" under Start Menu and Taskbar, that it will indeed remove the clock but I can not get it to come back. I have tried setting it back to disabled or Not Configured and it still will not show. I have tried Gpupdate /force and multiple restarts. Nothing changes. Now, if I choose some other policy setting such as "Remove the Battery Meter" then I can turn it on and off just fine. Is it possible there is a glitch with some policy settings? Is anyone able to try this on a test PC to see if they experience the same issue? Any suggestions are much appreciated. Thank you.