Run VBS Script / Code from WITHIN Batch Script.

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  1. Posts : 18,034
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install

    Run VBS Script / Code from WITHIN Batch Script.

    I came across a folder that I haven't used for a couple of years, although I use the VBS Script, that containes all the documentation to find out what a particular Device [ Computer ] is [ Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, etc ] using the ChassisTypes Parameter. Please don't laugh as I do NOT use VBS, although I managed to put this together which works!

    In my notes, I mentioned that there were MANY sites where you could perform this process using the Battery Parameter Get-wmiObject win32_Battery, but obviously the results are limited to whether the Device has a Battery or NOT, therefore, excluding ALL the other criteria that is available.

    Now, Is there an easy way to run the below code from WITHIN a Batch Script and then output the result using echo for example please. This just produces the result in a Windows Script Host box?

    ' ################################
    ' # Title     : Find Device Type #
    ' # Created By: Paul Black       #
    ' # Created On: 16-Oct-2019      #
    ' ################################
    dim wmi :set wmi=GetObject("WinMgmts:{ImpersonationLevel=Impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
    dim Comp_Type, Col, Obj
    for each Col in wmi.ExecQuery("select * from Win32_SystemEnclosure")
      for each Obj in Col.ChassisTypes
        select Case Obj
          Case 1  :Comp_Type = "Other"
          Case 2  :Comp_Type = "Unknown"
          Case 3  :Comp_Type = "Desktop"
          Case 4  :Comp_Type = "Low Profile Desktop"
          Case 5  :Comp_Type = "Pizza Box"
          Case 6  :Comp_Type = "Mini Tower"
          Case 7  :Comp_Type = "Tower"
          Case 8  :Comp_Type = "Portable"
          Case 9  :Comp_Type = "Laptop"
          Case 10 :Comp_Type = "Notebook"
          Case 11 :Comp_Type = "Handheld"
          Case 12 :Comp_Type = "Docking Station"
          Case 13 :Comp_Type = "All-in-One"
          Case 14 :Comp_Type = "Sub-Notebook"
          Case 15 :Comp_Type = "Space Saving"
          Case 16 :Comp_Type = "Lunch Box"
          Case 17 :Comp_Type = "Main System Chassis"
          Case 18 :Comp_Type = "Expansion Chassis"
          Case 19 :Comp_Type = "Sub-Chassis"
          Case 20 :Comp_Type = "Bus Expansion Chassis"
          Case 21 :Comp_Type = "Peripheral Chassis"
          Case 22 :Comp_Type = "Storage Chassis"
          Case 23 :Comp_Type = "Rack Mount Chassis"
          Case 24 :Comp_Type = "Sealed-Case PC"
          Case else 
          Comp_Type = "Unknown"
        end select
    WScript.echo "This Device is a: " & Comp_Type

    Last edited by Paul Black; 09 Mar 2022 at 19:02.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,848
    Windows 10 Pro (+ Windows 10 Home VMs for testing)

    Perhaps run the VBS script from a BAT file, redirecting its output to a file then use type <filename> to echo the result to screen? I know it's messy ('cos you'll have to clear up the file) but, without using PowerShell, I can't think of another way.

    The problem is you can echo the output to the clipboard (using clip.exe) but CMD doesn't have a way of retrieving it back from the clipboard.

    The obvious answer is to use PowerShell, for example:

    Run VBS Script / Code from WITHIN Batch Script.-get_chassis_type_with_powershell.png

    You can output to screen, pipe to clipboard, retrieve from clipboard, format the output...
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 18,034
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install
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    Thanks for the reply @RickC, it is appreciated.

    RickC said:
    The obvious answer is to use PowerShell, for example:
    Yes, I have got a PowerShell version . . .

    Function Get-ChassisType() {
      $ChassisTypes = @{
        Name = 'ChassisType'
        Expression = {
          # Property is an Array, so process ALL Values . . .
          $Result = ForEach($Value in $_.ChassisTypes)
              1       {'Other'}
              2       {'Unknown'}
              3       {'Desktop'}
              4       {'Low Profile Desktop'}
              5       {'Pizza Box'}
              6       {'Mini Tower'}
              7       {'Tower'}
              8       {'Portable'}
              9       {'Laptop'}
              10      {'Notebook'}
              11      {'Hand Held'}
              12      {'Docking Station'}
              13      {'All in One'}
              14      {'Sub Notebook'}
              15      {'Space-Saving'}
              16      {'Lunch Box'}
              17      {'Main System Chassis'}
              18      {'Expansion Chassis'}
              19      {'SubChassis'}
              20      {'Bus Expansion Chassis'}
              21      {'Peripheral Chassis'}
              22      {'Storage Chassis'}
              23      {'Rack Mount Chassis'}
              24      {'Sealed-Case PC'}
              Default {"$Value"}
      Return (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_SystemEnclosure | Select-Object -Property $ChassisTypes).ChassisType
    Write-Host -NoNewline 'This Device is a: '; (Get-ChassisType)

    But, is there a easy way to run it from WITHIN the Batch Script Code itself?
    Last edited by Paul Black; 09 Mar 2022 at 19:14.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,848
    Windows 10 Pro (+ Windows 10 Home VMs for testing)

    Paul Black said:
    But, is there a easy way to run it from WITHIN the Batch Script?
    It's easy to call the PowerShell script from within a batch script. The difficulty is getting the PS output as I don't know of a way to share data easily between the two.

    You can't pipe the PS output to the clipboard as there's no native way to read the clipboard contents from CMD (that I know of).

    That leaves you with piping the PS output to a file then using type <filename> within the BAT to read the file contents.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 18,034
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install
    Thread Starter

    Hello @RickC,

    RickC said:
    It's easy to call the PowerShell script from within a batch script. The difficulty is getting the PS output as I don't know of a way to share data easily between the two.

    You can't pipe the PS output to the clipboard as there's no native way to read the clipboard contents from CMD (that I know of).

    That leaves you with piping the PS output to a file then using type <filename> within the BAT to read the file contents.
    Thanks, I understand that, and as an easy option I can certainly do that.

    I don't think I have explained what I am trying to do very clearly. What I would ideally like is to incorporate the code directly into the Batch Script, and NOT have to call a separate .vbs or .ps1 file.

    I might have a go at writing a Batch Script later in the week using set /p.
    Last edited by Paul Black; 10 Mar 2022 at 04:49.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 18,034
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install
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    Just for information, it appears that the ChassisTypes has been updated since I did any work on this . . .

    ChassisTypes =
        4='Low Profile Desktop'
        5='Pizza Box'
        6='Mini Tower'
        11='Hand Held'
        12='Docking Station'
        14='Sub Notebook'
        16='Lunch Box'
        17='Main System Chassis'
        18='Expansion Chassis'
        19='Sub Chassis'
        20='Bus Expansion Chassis'
        21='Peripheral Chassis'
        22='Storage Chassis'
        23='Rack Mount Chassis'
        24='Sealed-Case PC'
        25='Multi-System Chassis'
        26='Compact PCI'
        27='Advanced TCA'
        29='Blade Enclosure'
        33='IoT Gateway'
        34='Embedded PC'
        35='Mini PC'
        36='Stick PC'
    Last edited by Paul Black; 09 Mar 2022 at 19:04.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 18,034
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install
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    OK, I wrote this Batch Script which works for me. It includes ALL the updated ChassisTypes criteria as posted above . . .

    @echo off
    :: ################################
    :: # Title     : Find Device Type #
    :: # Created By: Paul Black       #
    :: # Created On: 09-Mar-2022      #
    :: ################################
    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    set Dev_Type[1]=Other
    set Dev_Type[2]=Unknown
    set Dev_Type[3]=Desktop
    set Dev_Type[4]=Low Profile Desktop
    set Dev_Type[5]=Pizza Box
    set Dev_Type[6]=Mini Tower
    set Dev_Type[7]=Tower
    set Dev_Type[8]=Portable
    set Dev_Type[9]=Laptop
    set Dev_Type[10]=Notebook
    set Dev_Type[11]=Hand Held
    set Dev_Type[12]=Docking Station
    set Dev_Type[13]=All-in-One
    set Dev_Type[14]=Sub Notebook
    set Dev_Type[15]=Space-Saving
    set Dev_Type[16]=Lunch Box
    set Dev_Type[17]=Main System Chassis
    set Dev_Type[18]=Expansion Chassis
    set Dev_Type[19]=Sub Chassis
    set Dev_Type[20]=Bus Expansion Chassis
    set Dev_Type[21]=Peripheral Chassis
    set Dev_Type[22]=Storage Chassis
    set Dev_Type[23]=Rack Mount Chassis
    set Dev_Type[24]=Sealed-Case PC
    set Dev_Type[25]=Multi-System Chassis
    set Dev_Type[26]=Compact PCI
    set Dev_Type[27]=Advanced TCA
    set Dev_Type[28]=Blade
    set Dev_Type[29]=Blade Enclosure
    set Dev_Type[30]=Tablet
    set Dev_Type[31]=Convertible
    set Dev_Type[32]=Detachable
    set Dev_Type[33]=IoT Gateway
    set Dev_Type[34]=Embedded PC
    set Dev_Type[35]=Mini PC
    set Dev_Type[36]=Stick PC
    for /f "usebackq delims=" %%a in (`PowerShell "Get-wmiObject Win32_SystemEnclosure | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ChassisTypes"`) do (
      for /f "delims=" %%b in ("%%a") do (
        if not "%%b"=="" echo  This Device is a: !Dev_Type[%%a]!
    pause & Exit
     This Device is a: Notebook

    You can of course, include -ComputerName LocalHost in the PowerShell Command.
    Last edited by Paul Black; 09 Mar 2022 at 19:09.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 456
    Windows 10

    Unless I got something wrong here you don't need powershell or VBS at all.

    @echo off
    for /f "skip=1 Delims={}" %%a in  ('wmic path win32_SystemEnclosure get ChassisTypes') do (
                                                                                               set ChassisType=%%a
                                                                                               goto :Message
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 1 set Dev_Type=Other
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 2 set Dev_Type=Unknown
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 3 set Dev_Type=Desktop
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 4 set Dev_Type=Low Profile Desktop
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 5 set Dev_Type=Pizza Box
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 6 set Dev_Type=Mini Tower
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 7 set Dev_Type=Tower
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 8 set Dev_Type=Portable
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 9 set Dev_Type=Laptop
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 10 set Dev_Type=Notebook
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 11 set Dev_Type=Hand Held
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 12 set Dev_Type=Docking Station
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 13 set Dev_Type=All-in-One
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 14 set Dev_Type=Sub Notebook
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 15 set Dev_Type=Space-Saving
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 16 set Dev_Type=Lunch Box
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 17 set Dev_Type=Main System Chassis
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 18 set Dev_Type=Expansion Chassis
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 19 set Dev_Type=Sub Chassis
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 20 set Dev_Type=Bus Expansion Chassis
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 21 set Dev_Type=Peripheral Chassis
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 22 set Dev_Type=Storage Chassis
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 23 set Dev_Type=Rack Mount Chassis
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 24 set Dev_Type=Sealed-Case PC
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 25 set Dev_Type=Multi-System Chassis
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 26 set Dev_Type=Compact PCI
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 27 set Dev_Type=Advanced TCA
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 28 set Dev_Type=Blade
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 29 set Dev_Type=Blade Enclosure
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 30 set Dev_Type=Tablet
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 31 set Dev_Type=Convertible
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 32 set Dev_Type=Detachable
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 33 set Dev_Type=IoT Gateway
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 34 set Dev_Type=Embedded PC
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 35 set Dev_Type=Mini PC
    If %ChassisType%  EQU 36 set Dev_Type=Stick PC
    echo  I'm a "%Dev_Type%"
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 7,610
    Windows 10 Home 20H2

    He needs neither PowerShell nor VBScript.
    He just enjoys playing with various codes.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 18,034
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install
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    Hello @ricardobohner,

    ricardobohner said:
    Unless I got something wrong here you don't need powershell or VBS at all.
    Thanks for the reply, it is appreciated.

    I must admit that I prefer using == instead of EQU, but that is just personal preference.
      My Computer


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