Microsoft’s Windows 10 event - your thoughts.

  1. Posts : 30
    windows 8.1 pro with media centre

    Microsoft’s Windows 10 event - your thoughts.

    well it didn't last long and they didn't give much away.


    windows 10, is it good or bad I was asking myself, its silly as forever there will be a gap
    and the question of what happened to windows 9 will be forever asked.


    windows 7 to get access to the store, good move and will bring in millions more users and generate some ms dollars for future development, also help the app makers more money and give them more incentive.

    I am so happy the charm bar is staying but I do welcome changes to it, hows about we get to add some shortcuts of our own, a start menu is great for the moaners but pretty useless on my miniscule tablet.

    taskview, well its a good thing initially but after some thought it seems to be just a bigger version of hover on the taskbar, I liked the aero one where all the open windows rotated in the centre of the screen but alas it disappeared.


    oh well done here, next day release, no waiting around no faffing with dates, alas I will need to wait till the weekend but nice to know it wil be ready for me.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 302
    Windows 10 10586

    I'm excited about this, they're really revamping the Desktop that saw little to no change in 8/8.1. It's still the UI that is heavily used and they're FINALLY properly meshing the Desktop and the Modern UI together, how it should have been coming off of 7.

    The new Start Screen that was shown that will run on touch PCs, I do like that.

    Also even better, the changes to File Explorer and having a most frequently accessed list is going to be REAL handy for me since I use File Explorer a ton. Absolutely love the further removal of Aero iconography that just clashed with the modern metro design. It was like looking at vista and looking at the modern Windows in one package, just no.

    Will be downloading, and will be running this on a partition on my SSD. I fear I may do what I did with 8 and ran each preview build as my main OS...
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 7
    Windows 7
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 62
    Windows 10 Home, build 10586.218

    Although I'm feeling good about upcoming Windows, I'll wait until tomorrow to get my hands on Technical Preview to actually judge new version of Windows - or at least, the stuff we'll be able to test right away from start.

    Hype is real!
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 5,286
    Win 10 Pro x64

    wakadoo said:

    windows 10, is it good or bad I was asking myself, its silly as forever there will be a gap
    and the question of what happened to windows 9 will be forever asked.

    I think Microsoft intentionally skipped 9 to break the cursed good, bad, good, bad, etc. pattern. They want to take this impression away from end users.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    badrobot said:
    I think Microsoft intentionally skipped 9 to break the cursed good, bad, good, bad, etc. pattern. They want to take this impression away from end users.
    Could be. I just really don't like the way they use numbers for naming an OS. I much prefer names. Windows Thunderbolt!!
    Yeah.. Thunderbolt!!
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Clam said:
    Although I'm feeling good about upcoming Windows, I'll wait until tomorrow to get my hands on Technical Preview to actually judge new version of Windows - or at least, the stuff we'll be able to test right away from start.

    Hype is real!
    I agree.. I can tell more when I can touch and see the OS. Up till now all we have are reports on it. Until we can play around with it and discuss what's in it no one can really say how good or bad it is.
      My Computer


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