PC 'Crashes' - Still Hear Sound and Move Mouse Until Fully Crashes
Sorry if this is the wrong area for some help on this issue. My system spec I have just added to my profile.
My problem tends to occur quite often whenever I leave my PC afk or even just playing low performance games/browsing (youtube) and such. So I know it is nothing solely to do with playing taxing games. It doesn't happen THAT frequently that it bothers me but sometimes it can happen a few times in one day then not happen for a while. If you want me to post any more information then just let me know. I would greatly appreciate any help on this matter.
Best way I can explain this so you know how much of my PC is still running until it fully crashes is through a scenario here.
Playing a low spec game with a friend, talking through Discord. I know when my PC crashes as all my RGB lights freeze up and I lose the sound in my game first, and shortly the game will crash or anything moving on screen will freeze. After that I can still hear my friend talking to me through Discord, this could be up to a good few minutes. I can still move my mouse and alt tab, cant view the Desktop. I can control alt delete to get my task manager up but it doesn't let me end anything. That is about it, usually then it all grinds to a halt and each time I have to hard power off my PC. Doesn't let me turn off PC the proper way either. ---- Or if I have say Radio 1 playing, that would continue to play as well until it fully crashes.