Any way to have two diferent versions of JAVA running on the same OS?

  1. Posts : 104
    WINDOWS 10

    Any way to have two diferent versions of JAVA running on the same OS?

    OS In question is a How to Clone Windows Server 2012 (R2)

    I got a pretty old, pretty specific version of Java running on it, so the accounting website/software works properly

    but I really need the latest version of java on there to be able to use "document creating" software

    I know I cant just use the latest version, since when i tried it messed up the accounting website/software, and the old Java version does not support the "document creating" software, so im at an impass
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    ReallyFrustratd said:
    OS In question is a How to Clone Windows Server 2012 (R2)

    I got a pretty old, pretty specific version of Java running on it, so the accounting website/software works properly

    but I really need the latest version of java on there to be able to use "document creating" software

    I know I cant just use the latest version, since when i tried it messed up the accounting website/software, and the old Java version does not support the "document creating" software, so im at an impass
    Hi there


    Do you just want to "Clone" a W2K12 server or run multiple version of Java or both !!!..

    Two ways to do this -- long way and short way.

    Long way - create a minimal Windows Virtual machine and install Macrium free on it. Then attach old HDD containing W2K12 server and new HDD and then run clone disk.

    Easy way - boot up any linux Live distro from a USB stick or whatever.

    Then as root simply run the following command

    dd if=</dev/sourcedisk> of=</dev/target disk> bs=2048M status=progress.

    As for java you need to get on to the webmaster of the site to see what you specifically need to run the software.

    It is absolutely possible to install side-by-side several JRE/JDK versions. ... You can change that, or the JAVA_HOME variable, or create specific cmd/bat files to launch the applications you desire, each with a different JRE in path.

    I've had to do this in the recent past trying to run some older SAP ERP software.

      My Computer


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