Requesting help on Batch script and Batchscript to powershell

  1. Posts : 1

    Requesting help on Batch script and Batchscript to powershell

    Hi All


    I am having a below batch file code to create a desktop shortcut . The below code has Admin and trader related scripts I could not understand the flow here . Can anyone please help me with what this code is speaking. And i need the below code to change to PowerShell. Need help on this please.
    @echo off

    if[%Adminmode%] NEQ[1] goto :tradershortcut

    echo [InternetShortcut] > %SHORTCUTFILE%
    echoURL="file.///%REMOTEDIR%\environs\%ENVIRON%\scripts\admin_scripts\admin_MMI_%USERGROUP%_%ENVIRON%.bat" >> %SHORTCUTFILE%
    echo IconFile="%LOCALWKSDIR%\environs\%ENVIRON%\scripts\helperapps\icon\mmi_admin.ico" >> %SHORTCUTFILE%
    echo IconIndex=0 >> %SHORTCUTFILE%


    echo [InternetShortcut] > %SHORTCUTFILE%
    echoURL="file.///%REMOTEDIR%\environs\%ENVIRON%\scripts\trader_scripts\start_MMI_%USERGROUP%_%ENVIRON%.bat" >> %SHORTCUTFILE%
    echo IconFile="%LOCALWKSDIR%\environs\%ENVIRON%\scripts\helperapps\icon\mmi.ico" >> %SHORTCUTFILE%
    echo IconIndex=0 >> %SHORTCUTFILE%
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 7,631
    Windows 10 Home 20H2

    I can use a PowerShell script to create a desktop shortcut. Please tell me the shortcut name, target, and icon path.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 17,092
    Windows 10 Home x64 Version 22H2 Build 19045.4894

    If you want to understand that script, you need to ask whoever wrote it.

    Each subroutine has a minimum of two fatal errors and you have not shown the whole of the script.

    You might wish to see
    Creating a shortcut for a exe using a batch file - Stack Overflow
    and then study
    How to create a desktop shortcut with the Windows Script Host - MSSupport
    Create Shortcuts .lnk or .url Files With PowerShell - PowerShell Blogger

    For general studies:-
    I recommend studying PowerShell rather than batch files - TenForums
    my consolidated links - Useful study materials for batch file scripting n PowerShell - post #8 - TenForums
    Powershell guides -
    PowerShell Scripting - The Basics - TenForumsTutorials
    PowerShell Scripting - Run a Script from Shortcut - TenForumsTutorials
    PowerShell commands index - SS64
    PowerShell forum - SS64
    PowerShell Tutorials - Windows10Forums [2017] - I am normally wary of this website for reasons that I cannot remember but their PS tutorial seems OK.
    Mastering PowerShell with Dr. Tobias Weltner [2009]PowerShell Commands - ScriptRunner

    If you want to pursue your studies further, I suggest the user forums in SS64
    Commands forum - SS64 forums
    VBScript forum - SS64 forums
    PowerShell forum - SS64 forums


    Welcome to TenForums.
    It's really worth making time to browse through the
    Tutorial index - there's a shortcut to it at the top of every page.
    - At the foot of the Tutorial index is a shortcut to download it as a spreadsheet.
    - I download a new copy each month so I can benefit from Excel's filtering capabilities when I search for topics of interest.
    - Tutorials are also listed by category at

    You have not completed your system specs.
    Last edited by Try3; 05 Apr 2021 at 11:39.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 7,631
    Windows 10 Home 20H2

    PowerShell experts are available there: Powershell and Coding | Windows Questions
      My Computer


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