Event viewer errors
These I don't tend to obsess to much about the errors that are spat out by Windows 10 via the Event viewer.
I only really tend to take an interest if the performance of my aging PC is effected or if one particular error starts to mount up.
It is on this last one I am asking for some assistance if I may.
Event view as noted the same error, some 20 errors in the last 24 hours. Specifically:
Event ID: 10001 Unable to start a DCOM Server
I used to be able to handle XP and Win 7 with ease, now with Win 10 it might as well be in Chinese.
So I did what research I could that lead me needing to check the NTFS permissions for the DCOM server
I ran DCOMCNFG which lead me to specific permissions folder:
Now the question (and please refer to the attached); What are these messages and is it safe to click yes.
(I have clicked no so far)
Thanking you in advance
20H2 (19042.867)