Copy files from one user to another, and change ownership?

  1. Posts : 64
    Win10 Pro x64

    Copy files from one user to another, and change ownership?

    I'm looking to create a new user on my laptop (20H2 Pro x64) and copy over a bunch of settings and documents from the old user account, and then eventually delete the original account. I seem to recall having permission/ownership problems in the past, when copying files between user accounts. Is there an easy way to automatically change ownership from OldUser to NewUser while I'm copying the files?

    I think my workaround would be to copy to files from OldUser to a FAT32 flash drive where they would lose ownership information, and then copy to NewUser ... but if I could avoid that PITA, I'd sure like to!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 18,484
    Windows 11 Pro

    Just copy the folders and files to a parent folder. Then change ownership on the parent folder and make sure the box for "Replace owner on subcontainers and objects" is checked before clicking apply:

    Copy files from one user to another, and change ownership?-capture1.jpg

    Then move the folders and files to their final destinations.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 24,884
    Win 10 Home ♦♦♦19045.5440 (x64) [22H2]


    Create the new user account, then log out and log onto the new user account.

    Then open two File Explorer windows.
    Open the old user account in the File Explorer on the left.
    Copy whatever you want from the old user account on the left to the new user account on the right.

    You might have to do this in Safe Mode.

    IF you have Permissions problems...
    How to Create a New User Account and Transfer all the Data to it? -
      My Computer


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