Trouble writing/deleting files on DVDs
I have Windows 10 Build 19042.867. Dell desktop - about 3 months old with internal Optical Disk Drive (ODD) and external ODD.
My backup routine is to backup files to the external USB DVD-RW and, on a weekly basis, pull DVD media and insert media from 10 cycles ago t. I then select all files (using Windows Explorer) and delete them. Been doing it for 20 years like this with few problems.
I did this today and when I try to delete the files I find the delete command is grayed out. I then tried to just format the disk from Windows Explorer and that option is not on my right-click menu. When I tried to format it from the Disk Management mcc I get an error message that says
"An unexpected error has occurred. Check the System Event Log for more information..."
I cannot find any listing in the System Event Log that seems to bear on this issue.
Expanding my test I find that I cannot delete files when the disk is in the Internal ODD as well. Also, when I tried a different disk I get the same problems (tried both DVD-RW and DVD+R.)
That said, the computer sees the drives and the files on the drive. I can play movies from the drives and I can copy files from them as well. I just cannot copy files to the ODD or delete files.
I would guess it was just bad media if it only happened on the one disk but that fact that I cannot format a blank DVD-RW or DVD+R has me concerned.