If you click on This PC, does it show folders, devices and Drives?
If you click on This PC, does it show folders, devices and Drives?
Is your ---new computer---a brand named one,home built or bought somewhere else?
Was Win 10 pre-installed or did you install it,if so what method was used?
If possible,could you tweak your ---My Computer--- specifications,the solo entry of Win7 OS ,in a Win 10 forum is not as helpful as it could be.
Here are some of the questions you have asked or comments made.
joeandmargO - since I can not type anything in the search bar, I can not run sfc/scannow. The PC is an HP and was a gift. I have no idea when or where it was purchased. It came with Windows 10 Home installed and all I had to do was activate it (that was a chore). I will have to check on My Computer since I have not tried to use it.
Guru - I now have two (2) different Edge icons on my desktop. I am guessing it somehow updated itself.
When I open the File Explorer it looks nothing like what I am used to or ever seen. I wish I could do a screen shot to show you.
Jacee - NO it shows none of those. Actually it shows a few folders, but NO devices or drives.
After a lot of research, I have come to this conclusion: Since I can see none of the drives, I need to remove and replace drivers for those. I have no idea how to do that.
I am not sure why the search bar acts like does. I have to work on that.
Hopefully I will get there sooner or later.
Thanks for the comments.
If there is no important files then clean install.
If there are important files then perform a reset save files or custom install.
Reset Windows 10
Custom Install Windows 10
How to Restore Files from Windows.old Folder in Wiarendows 10
Clean Install Windows 10
Refresh Windows 10
Boot to Advanced Startup Options in Windows 10
Download Windows 10 ISO File
Create Bootable USB Flash Drive to Install Windows 10
zbook - to do that do I need a Product Code and use the down to install Windows 10 home? If Microsoft gets another dime out of me, it will be a cold day in Hell.
joeandmargO - I ran sfc /from the run command and it just goes back to the home screen.
RickC - I ran explorer c: and yes it brings up the C-drive, but even there is does NOT actually show the C-drive in format I need.
It shows the folders on the C-drive, but nothing else. I am not sure what I can do with it. You have any ideas?
thanks guys
If you can,run---slmgr /dlv--- which should supply product code plus licence info.
Check with the gift giver whether or not the licence remains in his/her name,because it affects the validation.
If the refresh,restore suggestions are not viable,then the options basically are,give it back,buy your own licence or use it for parts.