What happens to Desktop after new install?

  1. gbu
    Posts : 119
    Windows 11 Pro

    What happens to Desktop after new install?

    Going to be installing Win10 on a new HDD but was wondering what happens to everything already on my existing desktop.
    Once Ive installed the OS to the new drive I will plug that drive back in and be using my existing drive that Windows is currently installed to as storage.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    Unless you transfer your data files including documents, desktop, videos, pictures, music to the new Windows installation, then they just stay on the old hard drive under your username folder until you erase them.
      My Computer

  3. gbu
    Posts : 119
    Windows 11 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Oh thats good to know thank you.
      My Computer


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