Win10 pro 20H2 taskbar switched to second monitor when starting up

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 10 Pro 20H2

    Win10 pro 20H2 taskbar switched to second monitor when starting up

    I have had a problem with my windows taskbar moving from my laptop to the 2nd monitor, an LG nano 796 TV. If I have the task bar show on both monitors the programs show on both monitors but the sound, WIFI icons etc keep switching to the 2nd monitor. If I have it only show on the main monitor the whole taskbar switched.

    My laptop is set as my main monitor.

    The TV is connected via an HDMI lead.

    When it happens the only way to return the taskbar to the laptop is by going to settings, changing the main monitor to the TV and then switching it back to the laptop again, although the laptop is definitely set as the main monitor to start with.

    While this work around solves the problem it is very tedious having to do it every time the PC turns on. IT does not do it when I just restart it.

    The 2nd TV monitor may be in either standby or watching TV when the laptop starts.

    Once again it does not switch the TV to be the main monitor, it just moves the tasks bar either over to the TV if it is set as only showing on main screen, or it shifts the WIFI, sounds icons etc to the TV/2ndmonitor if it is set to show on all monitors.

    I did not appear to have this problem with other laptops, just my DEll N9AMD41

    Any help in solving this would be greatly appreciated.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2
    Windows 10 Pro 20H2
    Thread Starter

    To clarify it is the system tray that moves to the 2nd monitor even though the laptop is designated monitor 1, main monitor.
      My Computer


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