Windows 10 IoT ENT x6 won't wake up from sleep called by Task schedule
Hi all,
I need to be able to put my PC to sleep to save power overnight and it needs to run again in the morning, automatically without user interaction.
First, I did disable Hibernate on my Windows 10 so I can use Sleep mode.
I created a task to put my Windows 10 to sleep by calling AutoSleep.bat.
I created a different task to wake my PC up which it will run the AutoWake.bat to show the Chrome in KIOSK mode.
My Windows does go into sleep as expected but it never get wake up unless I have to touch the keyboard.
If I manually put my Windows to sleep then my Windows does wake up but it seem it does not run the AutoWake.bat to show the Chrome in kiosk mode. It only brings up the Windows and show the desktop.
Is that possible to wake up from Hibernate mode without pressing power on button on PC. I need to wake my PC up automatically without user interaction.
All the bat files are running correctly if I run manually on Windows.
"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" "-kiosk"
rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState
I appreciate for any help on this topic