Win 10. Home 64 Bit

  1. Posts : 121
    win10 Home 64 Bit 19042 Multiprocessor , x64-basierter Prozessor

    Win 10. Home 64 Bit

    I have connected a 2. HD, Sata 2, 160 GB. When I start Diskmgmt it takes a very, very longtime but ir show the second HD divided in two parts.
    My question are. 1. How I can mix the two parts to one area of about 160 GB.
    2. How I can format this HD.
    3. Why it takes so long time till i can see the diskmanagement output.
    4. What is this remonable DISK G.
    I am enclosing two Attachemnts. Diskmgmt amd Explorer output.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Win 10. Home 64 Bit-diskmgmt1.png   Win 10. Home 64 Bit-explorer1.png  
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 21,421
    19044.1586 - 21H2 Pro x64

    Thundersax said:
    I have connected a 2. HD, Sata 2, 160 GB. When I start Diskmgmt it takes a very, very longtime but ir show the second HD divided in two parts.
    My question are. 1. How I can mix the two parts to one area of about 160 GB.
    2. How I can format this HD.
    3. Why it takes so long time till i can see the diskmanagement output.
    4. What is this remonable DISK G.
    I am enclosing two Attachemnts. Diskmgmt amd Explorer output.
    Hello Thundersax ,

    I do not see any DISK G ??
    You can used MiniTool Partition Wizard to make your E: driver larger using the unallocated space and format it too.
    See if the time is reduced after you do this.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 33,635
    10 Home x64 (22H2) (10 Pro on 2nd pc)

    Thundersax said:
    4. What is this remonable DISK G.
    steve108 said:
    I do not see any DISK G ??
    It's shown in the Disk Management screenshot as 'Disk 1 Removable (G:) No Media'. It may be a card reader that currently has no card inserted.

    It may also be a USB that is inserted, but may be faulty or has an incorrect driver installed. See if the answers in this thread help...
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 21,421
    19044.1586 - 21H2 Pro x64

    Thanks @Bree If it was a snake, I would have been bitten

    I just put in a USB microSD reader without the microSD installed and got the same results like your G: @Thundersax - but in my case it's Disk2 as I already have a Disk0 and Disk1 as SSD and HDD.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 121
    win10 Home 64 Bit 19042 Multiprocessor , x64-basierter Prozessor
    Thread Starter

    Hallo @Bree,
    that is the joke. In Explorer I donīt see any G. Bit in Diskmgmt there is one removable G as Disk 1. I have not mounted any usb.
    Then you see in Diskmgmt that E: hat 149,05 Gb Spave and 100 MB unalloacted Space. When I via Minipartitiontool that the result is same. When I choose resize that 101 MB are not there. When I fomatted it it is shown as Primary. But when I want to format it in explorer. it takes a long time then I get the message: Wrong Parameter, the access is not possible.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 21,421
    19044.1586 - 21H2 Pro x64

    Thundersax said:
    Hallo @Bree,
    that is the joke. In Explorer I donīt see any G. Bit in Diskmgmt there is one removable G as Disk 1. I have not mounted any usb.
    Then you see in Diskmgmt that E: hat 149,05 Gb Spave and 100 MB unalloacted Space. When I via Minipartitiontool that the result is same. When I choose resize that 101 MB are not there. When I fomatted it it is shown as Primary. But when I want to access it in explorer. it takes a long time then I get the message the access is not possible. When I want to format is under explorer I get the message that is not possibile.
    What is the history of Disk 2? Try running Crystal Disk Info to see what it reports about drive health for this and other drives.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 21,421
    19044.1586 - 21H2 Pro x64
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 121
    win10 Home 64 Bit 19042 Multiprocessor , x64-basierter Prozessor
    Thread Starter

    Hallo @steve108,
    I tested the HD with crystallinfo. It showed that is good. But now with Amoei thrre are many bad sctors. I will run crystallifo once agani after checking with AOMEI, then I will give the neswet informations. Thank you for your help till now. When there are many bad sectors can I repair them or should I throw away the HD? There are many sectors, till now over 50.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 21,421
    19044.1586 - 21H2 Pro x64
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    It really, really sounds like the hard drive is bad.
      My Computer


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