Recently, while configuring a new computer, I took the time to reread this thread, and came to the conclusion that the procedure detailed in Post #7 above is the most elegant solution for this problem (belated thank you, @dalchina), because it requires no third party programs and no messing with the Task Scheduler. I had implemented some other more complex solution on my computers several years ago, and now I'm trying to compare this to what I originally did - but I can't find the changes I made back then. Normally, I spend about ten times as much time documenting the changes I make as I do making them, but somehow, I can't find this in my records anywhere! Worse, even running SysInternals' AutoRuns as Administrator doesn't give me a clue. I'd like to remove what I originally did and redo it this way, but I can't if I can't find it! Anyone have a suggestion on how I can find those original changes?