Date modified with seconds in windows file explorer

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 10

    Date modified with seconds in windows file explorer


    For my studies I need the exact time including the seconds from many many pictures that we made. Does anyone know how I can easily make them show in the overview of the files in windows file explorer? Right now I only see this:
    Date modified with seconds in windows file explorer-schermafbeelding-2021-02-19-135328.jpg

    I know that I can also access it via properties, but that is a lot of work to do for every single picture if it needs to be done thousands of times :)

    This is in windows 10 fyi (version 1909, build number 18363.1379).

    Help would be appreciated!

    Thanks a lot,
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,448
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Hi, consider using e.g. FreeCommander:
    Date modified with seconds in windows file explorer-1.png

    Similar questions have been asked since at least 2009. Windows XP used to be able to do this apparently.
    I can't see a related group policy, and MS answers indicate it's not available
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Hi everyone and Dalchina!

    Thanks for the reply, with some help I actually managed to write a script that does this in R! Maybe a bit of a complicated way but at least it works. In case anyone in the future has the same problem, I'll share the R script below:

    ## Script to extract the exact time of the photos from the folder and make it into a .csv file.

    # Insert the path to the folder with all the pictures from that day:

    my.path = "[path to where the photos are]"
    Name = list.files(path = my.path)
    datetimes <- lapply(paste(my.path, Name, sep = "/"), FUN = file.mtime)

    datetimes <- Reduce(c, datetimes)

    Time <- format(datetimes, format = "%H:%M:%S")

    PhotoTimes <- data.frame(Name, Time)

    # install.packages("writexl")

    # Change the end of this path so that the name of the file is the correct name, including the date:
    write.csv(PhotoTimes, "[path to where the newly made csv file should go]\\[name of the file].csv")

    But thanks anyway!
      My Computer


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