Stuck in Safe Mode Login Screen with no options
Please can you help. I am completely locked out of my PC.
I wanted to turn fast boot on my bios so I selected to put the Windows 10 into Safe Mode after changing the Bios settings.
Now I am stuck on Safe Mode login screen as I do not know my password.
From the Advanced Options screen, I have selected Startup Settings, to try to Enable Safe Mode with Networking, but the USB keyboard won't work in Startup Settings, I have tried every USB port on my PC, but it doesn't work. (Other people have had this issue). The annoying thing is that the keyboard does work on the safe mode login screen but not in Start Up Settings. I have also tried wireless keyboards which also don't work in Start Up Settings, but also do work in the login screen.
I have changed my Windows password on my phone but because I'm not connected to the network (even though I have an ethernet cable plugged into my PC and modem) it says my password is wrong.
From the Advanced Options screen, I have even tried resetting the PC but that requires a password.
So now I can't get into Windows and I can't get into Bios.
Does anyone have any suggestions please?
Thank you.
Last edited by DSerious; 19 Feb 2021 at 04:20. Reason: Title wasn't exact