MSDN/My Visual Studio File Name and SHA1 to check for the trial period

  1. Posts : 6

    MSDN/My Visual Studio File Name and SHA1 to check for the trial period

    In the past, the MSDN portal (now renamed 'My Visual Studio') allowed to everybody the visualization of the 'File name' and 'SHA1' fields for any download (as showed in the attached picture).
    This used to allow everybody to check the integrity of the images downloaded in their possession in order to use the 90 days trial period that many Microsoft products still offer.
    Now these info are available only to those who have a subscription.
    But is it reasonable to ask somebody to buy a subscription only to be able to verify an image in order to use the 90 days trial period?
    For this reason, there has been a flourishing of online unofficial archives (like this one Microsoft SHA1 Hash Archive from "My Visual Studio") that report, not any download, but just the info (the 'File name' and 'SHA1') necessary to verify what someone might already have. Unfortunately, these unofficial archives are usually partial or not up to date.
    Does anybody know any unofficial archive that is complete and up to date?
    Alternatively, can anybody post screenshots of the info page (as the one showed in the attached picture), from 'My Visual Studio', for each of the .iso images associated to the last version of the following downloads?

    Windows 10 Enterprise x64 - DVD (English)
    Windows 10 Enterprise x86 - DVD (English)
    Microsoft Office Professional Plus x64 (something like: SW_DVD5_Office_Professional_Plus_2019_64Bit_English_ )
    Microsoft Office Professional Plus x86 (something like: SW_DVD5_Office_Professional_Plus_2019_W32_English_ )
    Microsoft Visio Professional x64 - DVD (English)
    Microsoft Visio Professional x86 - DVD (English)

    Thank you in advance for your attention.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails MSDN/My Visual Studio File Name and SHA1 to check for the trial period-my_visualstudio_com.jpg  
    Last edited by JoePal; 17 Feb 2021 at 17:12.
      My Computer


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