My laptop a Samsung I acciently changed the positive with negative

  1. Posts : 6
    Windows 10 Pro

    My laptop a Samsung I acciently changed the positive with negative

    My Samsung Laptop Win 10 19h2 had a problem with his laptop jack, which I fix. I used one of those universal chargers where you plug in the correct point which fits in laptop. It works 100% then assemble it. Then I checked with multi-meter outside negative 19.4V and inside positive. I was so excited as a 65 yr amateur "pensioner pc repair oldie" BUT !!! the excitement was so huge ! I didn't notice that the point that go inside laptop fallen off from the chargers' wire and I just connect it and put it in and started my pc. It started, but then suddenly screen goes black. I checked and saw that accidentally changed it that negative was inside and positive outside. I removed battery, RAM and power (this point I glued the point to charger" and press and hold the start button for 30 sec + and did it several times. Nothing happened.......
    Pse ! tell me I can fix it ! cause is my only laptop :-( To take it to a PC technician is no option for me due to my monthly pension money) I cannot see what version is my laptop, but I believed it is 20h2.
    Thank you very much !
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,188
    Windows 11 Pro 64 Bit 22H2

    You already posted over here My laptop a Samsung I accidently changed the positive with negative | Tech Support need to cross post. The answer is still the same. When you reversed the polarity of the charger input, it shorted the motherboard, which will need to be replaced now.
      My Computer


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