Black Screen and Keyboard freezes randomly

  1. Posts : 6
    windows 10 Pro

    Black Screen and Keyboard freezes randomly

    Dear Customer Support,

    I have endured with the black screen problem for 3 months and now my keyboard freezes randomly,
    after Windows 10 update.

    1. After the October update, the "restart" windows option always restart with a black screen. I have to press the power button twice to bring up the log in screen. If I do a "shut down" option and restart the PC the login screen is displayed without problem. Can anyone help me?
    2. After the November update my keyboard freezes randomly. I have tried uninstalled the driver or enable keyboard filter and some other methods found in google but still the problem exist. I have to shut down and reboot to have the keyboard working again.
    Very frustrating and not knowing how I can solve the problems. Please help.
    Thank You
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 18,034
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install

    Hello @emonchan5,

    emonchan5 said:
    I have endured with the black screen problem for 3 months and now my keyboard freezes randomly,
    after Windows 10 update.

    1. After the October update, the "restart" windows option always restart with a black screen. I have to press the power button twice to bring up the log in screen. If I do a "shut down" option and restart the PC the login screen is displayed without problem. Can anyone help me?
    2. After the November update my keyboard freezes randomly. I have tried uninstalled the driver or enable keyboard filter and some other methods found in Google but still the problem exist. I have to shut down and reboot to have the keyboard working again.
    Very frustrating and not knowing how I can solve the problems.

    Before we get to SFC and DISM, please perform the following . . .

     Check for ANY Problem Device Errors

    [1] Click on this TenForums link => Batch Scripts / Programs.
    [2] Click the direct download link Find_ANY_Problem_Devices.bat in the MENU.
    [3] Run the .bat file.

    • If you want detailed information about the .bat file then scroll down the thread until you get to the relevant section.

    If there are NO ERRORS:

    You will receive the message NO PROBLEM DEVICES WERE FOUND!, and NO text file is created on the Desktop.

    If there are ERRORS:

    There will be a Prob_Devices.txt file created on the Desktop.


    Copy & Paste the results into your post using the [CODE] tags . . .

    [1] Open the Prob_Devices.txt file in Notepad.
    [2] Press the Ctrl + A keys together.
    [3] Press the Ctrl + C keys together.
    [4] In your post, click the Hashtag icon #.
    [5] Click INSIDE the [CODE]Here[CODE] tags and press the Ctrl + V keys together.

    • In your post it will look like this . . .

    <<< Results Here >>>


    UPLOAD the file => How to Upload and Post Screenshots and Files at Ten Forums.

    I hope this helps.
      My Computer


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