Can't read older *.hlp files on Windows-10

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  1. Posts : 1
    win 10

    sckyless said:
    Any simple solution available? It's a bit hard for me
    for win 10 ,i use this script

    echo on
    FOR /F %%I IN ("%0") DO SET BATDIR=%%~dpI
    takeown /f "%windir%\winhlp32.exe"
    icacls "%windir%\winhlp32.exe" /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F
    copy /y "%BATDIR%\winhlp32.exe" %windir%
    icacls "%windir%\winhlp32.exe" /setowner "NT Service\TrustedInstaller"
    echo Done.

    copied in a .cmd file
    this .cmd file is placed in a folder with winhlp32.exe from win xp (32bits is ok)
    right click on cmd file and run as administrator
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1
    windows 10

    Thank you very much. It worked perfect, you are fantastic. I can run CorelDraw 7 on win 10.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1

    kimio kanda said:
    How to read an old “.hlp file (*)” on Windows 10 (x64, or, x86)
    (*): The “.hlp file” must be read, without any problem, on Windows XP, 2000, ME, or, 98/98SE.
    The following is a procedure to be able to read an old “.hlp file” on Windows 10 (x86).
    (1) First, get the winhlp32.exe existing in the Windows directory of Windows XP (x86).
    (2) Make a temporary folder (for example D:\TEMP) on the HDD of Windows 10 (x86).
    (3) Copy the winhlp32.exe (obtained by the #(1) step) into the temporary folder D:\TEMP.
    (4) Make a file, named Win10-Hlp32-Fix.cmd, by using the text editor.
    All of the contents of the file (Win10-Hlp32-Fix.cmd) are as follows;
    @echo off
    set crtpth=%CD%
    takeown /f "%windir%\winhlp32.exe" >nul
    icacls "%windir%\winhlp32.exe" /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F >nul
    copy /y "%crtpth%\winhlp32.exe" %windir%
    icacls "%windir%\winhlp32.exe" /setowner "NT Service\TrustedInstaller" >nul
    echo Done.
    echo Press any key to Exit
    pause >nul
    (5) Therefore, you can find two files (winhlp32.exe and Win10-Hlp32-Fix.cmd) in the D:\TEMP.
    (6) Open the Command Prompt window, by selecting "Run as administrator.”
    (7) Then, move the prompt to the D:\TEMP directory, by using Change Directory (CD)command.
    (8) Under this condition, execute the Win10-Hlp32-Fix.cmd command in the D:\TEMP directory.
    (9) After the completion of this execution, you can read an old “.hlp file” on Windows 10 (x86).

    In the case of Windows 10 (x64), please use the winhlp32.exe existing in the Windows directory of Windows XP (x64).
    Thank you Kimio, following these instructions using the file I obtained from your instructions under Supplement 2 to get the Winhelp32 file legally from Microsoft itself was just what I needed. I use Just BASIC and needed their files opened, and didn't have any way to do it till I got here.

    So both post are together:

    kimio kanda said:
    kimio kanda said:
    (1) First, get the service pack SP3 for Windows XP (x86) by,
    You can get two downloaded files (by waiting roughly 4 minutes),
    (A) WindowsXP-KB932823-v3-x86-ENU.exe, and
    (B) xpsp3_5512.080413-2113_usa_x86fre_spcd.iso.
    But, you can use ONLY "xpsp3_5512.080413-2113_usa_x86fre_spcd.iso."
    (2) Then, check the contents of the downloaded "iso" file, by using some tool (for looking the contents of an “iso” file).
    (3) You can find a “big file”(in the "iso" file),
    (4) Copy this “big file” (i,e, WINDOWSXP-KB936929-SP3-X86-ENU.EXE) into a temporary folder on your HDD.
    (5) Then, check the contents of this “big file” (at the temporary folder of your HDD) by using some tool (for looking the contents of an archived file).
    (6) By this checking, you can find the “winhlp32.ex_” in the “i386” folder (of this “big file”).
    (7) Copy the “winhlp32.ex_” into a temporary folder on your HDD.
    (8) Open the “Command Prompt” window, and then move the prompt to the temporary folder (in which the “winhlp32.ex_” exists).
    (9) Execute following command in the temporary folder (in which the “winhlp32.ex_” exists);
    expand winhlp32.ex_ winhlp32.exe
    By this execution, you can get “winhlp32.exe” (which has been de-compressed from “winhlp32.ex_”).
    As a result, you can use this “winhlp32.exe.”
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2
    Windows 10 home single language

    gdaelen said:
    for win 10 ,i use this script

    echo on
    FOR /F %%I IN ("%0") DO SET BATDIR=%%~dpI
    takeown /f "%windir%\winhlp32.exe"
    icacls "%windir%\winhlp32.exe" /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F
    copy /y "%BATDIR%\winhlp32.exe" %windir%
    icacls "%windir%\winhlp32.exe" /setowner "NT Service\TrustedInstaller"
    echo Done.

    copied in a .cmd file
    this .cmd file is placed in a folder with winhlp32.exe from win xp (32bits is ok)
    right click on cmd file and run as administrator
    thanks worked fine !
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    Delphi7 Help

    gdaelen said:
    for win 10 ,i use this script

    echo on
    FOR /F %%I IN ("%0") DO SET BATDIR=%%~dpI
    takeown /f "%windir%\winhlp32.exe"
    icacls "%windir%\winhlp32.exe" /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F
    copy /y "%BATDIR%\winhlp32.exe" %windir%
    icacls "%windir%\winhlp32.exe" /setowner "NT Service\TrustedInstaller"
    echo Done.

    copied in a .cmd file
    this .cmd file is placed in a folder with winhlp32.exe from win xp (32bits is ok)
    right click on cmd file and run as administrator
    Just installed trusty old Delphi7 on my Windows10 machine and was dismayed to find the Delphi Help yielded a most unhelpful message from MS. I downloaded winhlp32 XP from YOU - many thanks to YOU! - and ran this .cmd file. It didn't seem to fix anything (what is it supposed to do?), so I simply went into the Windows directory and replaced winhlp32x.exe with the one from YOU. Now Help works fine.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 181
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    My solution, keeping help32 guides in my language

    Ok guys, Windows 10 x64 ITA here...
    The archive for Windows 8 RTM (just 898KB) available from Download Windows Help program (WinHlp32.exe) for Windows 8 from Official Microsoft Download Center seem to contain all languages files, for those interested in a full install including 'WinHlp32.exe' + 'WinHlp32.exe.mui' (= help file/localization catalog/search)...

    I've managed to replace 'C:\Windows\WinHlp32.exe' and 'C:\Windows\it-IT\WinHlp32.exe.mui' from the above .MSU (containing the CAB with the files...).

    Here is how I did:

    1. Opened an Administrator MSDOS prompt. Downloaded 'Windows8-RT-KB917607-x64.msu' and extracted '' with ZipWare (freeware, there are many alternatives like BandiZip, IZ-Arc etc.).
      Alternatively you can use:
      Expand -F:* "Windows8-RT-KB917607-x64.msu" "<destdir>"
    2. Then I extracted the real files out of the previously extracted .cab with command:
      Expand "" -F:*winhlp32.exe* "<destdir>"
      (Expand.exe is part of the Windows AIK package, or simply look in your C:\Windows\System32)

    3. Searched for 'winhlp' into the extraction directory and found "winhelp32.exe" (amd64), and "winhelp32.exe.mui" (amd64) for my language "it-IT"; you can search for "us-US" for American English etc.:
      Can't read older *.hlp files on Windows-10-bricolage01.jpg
      In the pic above I've searched for "winhlp" and in particular for the "amd64" (64bit) and "it-IT" MUI files.

    4. Took ownership of original stub files 'C:\Windows\WinHlp32.exe' and 'C:\Windows\it-IT\WinHlp32.exe.mui' using Windows UI, didn't use takeown.exe or icacls.exe. To be exact I gave ownership and full rights to the "Adminstrators" group for these 2 files:
      Can't read older *.hlp files on Windows-10-3.jpg
      so I renamed them to be able to paste the replacement files without overwriting

    5. Then I copied the new 'C:\Windows\WinHlp32.exe' and 'C:\Windows\it-IT\WinHlp32.exe.mui' in place and gave them back all their original files rights, including ownership for "NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller" (you can type in this exact name in window number 3 in the above pic, because it's NOT normally listed among normal owners list as seen in 5)

    Finished. Now I have fully functional (search working and help guide included) ITA localized Winhlp.exe (version 6.2.9200.16420 year 2007) installed in my system "the clean way" just the same as installing it from the official Windows 8 update package, not available for Windows 10 (yet?).

    Hope this can be helpful...

    SFC /SCANNOW command or next Windows updates can replace the old version just installed with the stub again.
    To avoid this, follow this workaround:
    don't replace the original stub in C:\Windows directory but rename the old winhlp32 files (important!) as:
    and put them somewhere else on your HD. Then assign .hlp files to this winhlp32_legacy.exe as default program. Remember that .mui file must be in a subdir with your language initials (it-IT, en-US, etc.).

    Although many old programs should work fine with the old winhlp32.exe, a few ones can ignore system default program settings and force open "C:\Windows\winhlp32.exe" (the stub!)... In this case the only solution is replacing the stub in C:\Windows.

    Simpler solution with no need to take ownership to replace C:\Windows\winhlp32.exe:

    1. Do as suggested above extracting the (working) old winhlp32.exe and its MUI files to a user directory (e.g. %USERPROFILE%\Tools\oldwinhlp32\)
    2. Use PowerRun (Sordum) and run Cmd with the highest privileges (TrustedInstaller) to just rename the stub C:\Windows\winhlp32.exe to something else (e.g. winhlp32_.exe), no need to take ownership. As a backup do:
    ren winhlp32.exe winhlp32_.exe
    Then you can close this special cmd prompt and PowerRun.
    3. Open an Admin prompt and from "C:\Windows" directory enter:
    mklink winhlp32.exe <path to your dir with old winhlp32.exe>
    to create a link to the old version, f.e.: mklink C:\Windows\winhlp32.exe "C:\Users\Luca\Util\WinHLP32\winhlp32_legacy.exe" (you don't need to move also mui files as they will be read from the link path).
    Last edited by hexaae; 4 Weeks Ago at 12:36. Reason: updated with simplified instructions, another solution using PowerRun
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1
    WIN 10 64bit

    thanks for posting this workaround to read old HLP files. Helps a lot.

    I'm currently facing a problem when reading HLP files. The search button doesn't work/exist when opening the HLP files:

    WIN10x64 opened HLP file:

    Can't read older *.hlp files on Windows-10-2016-01-18-08_37_42-help-topics_-die-bibel.jpg

    on WIN7x64 same opened HLP file:

    Can't read older *.hlp files on Windows-10-2016-01-18-08_40_01-remote-desktop-manager-sdadv-xt-.jpg

    can't be a problem with the language, or am I wrong?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Hi there

    My own view of this is that all these "Canned" methods could fail again after any large W10 update is done -- since some of them involve getting files from an XP system why not simply create an XP VM in the first place and then convert / read these files at leisure. The VM takes minimal space - especially if you don't need it for any thing else and simply use "Host only" networking so the XP machine is isolated from the Internet if you are worried about security etc.

      My Computer

  9. Posts : 181
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    temptestuser said:
    thanks for posting this workaround to read old HLP files. Helps a lot.

    I'm currently facing a problem when reading HLP files. The search button doesn't work/exist when opening the HLP files:

    WIN10x64 opened HLP file:


    on WIN7x64 same opened HLP file:


    can't be a problem with the language, or am I wrong?
    Follow my guide (the msg #46 above) to install also the mui file and you should have Search and everything (localized in your own language). Fully functional :
    Solved Can't read older *.hlp files on Windows-10 - Page 5 - Windows 10 Forums
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    hexaae said:

    Finished. Now I have fully functional ITA localized (with help guide included) Winhlp.exe (version 6.2.9200.16420 year 2007) installed in my system "the clean way" just the same as installing it from the official Windows 8 update package, not available for Windows 10 (yet?).

    Hope this can be helpful...
    And now--thanks to you--my .hlp files are readable again on Windows 10 (64-bit) :) thanks again for the instructions.

      My Computer


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