post no 998 about the taskbar button icons being too small

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  1. Posts : 5,899
    Win 11 Pro (x64) 22H2

    ineuw said:
    Thanks for all posts. I am familiar with the settings of the system, display, etc. The resolution is the standard 1920 x 1080, (16:9). There are no display controls to increase this, but will post this question on both the Acer and the AMD forums. The specs for the laptop are listed in my profile.
    Unfortunately, when increasing the the custom scale factor, this increases everything EXCEPT the icons on the taskbar. The small taskbar icon setting is off, and the attached image is what I get when the custom scale factor is increased to 160. I tried 200 and worked my way back to 180, then 160 which also makes everything way too large and out of proportion. Attachment 268168
    You've got something weird going on because scaling scales everything on both my laptop and desktop. Also toggling the use small buttons in taskbar settings scales the icons there. Again... desktop and laptop.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 490
    Windows 10 Pro version 22H2
    Thread Starter

    I also suspect that something is wrong because it took me four tries to install Windows on the laptop. I have the identical version and build of W10 on my desktop, with the same resolution scale. So, I will experiment with it tomorrow. Good night :)
      My Computers


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