Finally solved my chronic freezing problem.
Everything on my PC checked out as being in good working ordered and the PC worked well enough that I didn't mess with it. It seemed every time Patch Tuesday came around I had trouble. Well I finally with the help of the FX9590 thread in the AMD forum to get a handle on the trouble basically the FX9590 did not get along with my ASUS motherboard and was really irritable with what ever RAM I installed, all of which were vetted for a Crosshair V Formula Z. It was a voltage thing. I was given voltage settings to fix things up in the BIOS. It was freezing up in the BIOS and I could not get into the voltage setup, that was the last straw. Saint Vidicon must have heard my frustration. I discovered the AMD FX8350 had had a substantial price reduction the first of the year. The voltage settings I had would have under-clocked the 9590 to an 8350. I purchased one, which came with an unneeded cooler. It is now installed and I am running software with out a hitch I have not been able to run for years. Problem solved finally. The ironic thing is this build originally was going to use the FX8350, but the FX9590 was on sale and was only $20 more. I checked first the FX9590 is supported by this ASUS motherboard, the last one on the list in fact. This is my last PC from here on it is going to be ASUS Zenbooks and intel processors.