Did a Dell factory image reset but my recycle bin was still the same

  1. Posts : 58
    Win 10 Pro 20H2

    Did a Dell factory image reset but my recycle bin was still the same

    It said it would format the drive, so how can my recycle bin be the same as before I did the restet?
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 920
    Windows 10 Pro

    In what way do you mean the same? Same icon, same amount of disk space reserved.....a bit more detail would be nice.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 58
    Win 10 Pro 20H2
    Thread Starter

    The contents of the bin were the same as before the reset
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 920
    Windows 10 Pro

    If the reset did indeed format the drive then the recycle bin would have been wiped, however if you have a multi disk system it could be the recycle bin on another drive who's content you are seeing. The only other explanation is that the reset actually did a refresh (similar to a Windows repair install) which maintains existing user files, the contents of the recycle bin would then likely be preserved..
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 58
    Win 10 Pro 20H2
    Thread Starter

    When it was setting up I had to click 3 separate boxes telling me all my files were going to be permanently deleted. The new system is identical to factory settings, even programs I deleted are back. It was definitely a return to factory image using a Dell partition. It is a multi drive system, one pci and one disc.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 920
    Windows 10 Pro

    If you open the recycle bin and check the contents it should tell you where the files came from, if the original location is C:\xxxx\xxxx (where x is the path) then the reset did not format the drive/ partition. As far as I am aware even OneDrive does not sync recycle bin contents so even if you are logged into a Microsoft linked account it shouldn't have restored deleted items after the reset.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 58
    Win 10 Pro 20H2
    Thread Starter

    I've deleted it now. Thank you for the assistance.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Checked properties in recycle bin and apparently the location was indeed on the 2nd HDD.
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 4,594
    Windows 10 Pro

    Each drive will have its own recycle bin, I set mine to delete anything I put in them.

    Then remove the recycle bin from the desktop.
      My Computers


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