Showing epub, mobi, djvu, azw3 miniature previews in windows explorer

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  1. Posts : 5
    windows 10

    Showing epub, mobi, djvu, azw3 miniature previews in windows explorer

    Does anyone know how to edit the registry for allowing windows 10 to show miniature covers of these ebook files in the windows explorer, particularly in windows 64 bits? I have read other forums which offers this kind of solution for epubs, but for windows 7 or older, and i guess i does not work for the last windows. Any help?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 44,067
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Hi, do you mean icons in the main file explorer pane e.g. or a view in the Preview pane?

    For the latter you need a program installed that provides a registered preview handler.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 5
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    dalchina said:
    Hi, do you mean icons in the main file explorer pane e.g. or a view in the Preview pane?

    For the latter you need a program installed that provides a registered preview handler.
    I mean the miniatures shown on the right side of the explorer window, like the miniatures of jpg's or png's pics, but in these case, the cover previews of these ebooks file extensions. I already see the PDF previews, but for epub, mobi,etc.. i cannot see anything but only the generic icon of each file. Although i open them with SumatraPDF (epub, mobi, djvu), and Calibre (for azw3 files). So, any help?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 44,067
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    I've already answered that, I believe.

    I think you're referring to the preview pane, which you show like this:
    Showing epub, mobi, djvu, azw3 miniature previews in windows explorer-1.png

    I said
    For the latter you need a program installed that provides a registered preview handler.
    I will expand that for you to try to make it clearer.

    a. Windows does not natively include code to display the content of all possible file types in the preview pane.
    b. To be able to display files not native to Windows there, you need extra code
    c. That code is called a preview handler.
    d. To show the content of those extra file types you need to install a program that provides that code.

    Here are the preview handlers I have on mine:
    Showing epub, mobi, djvu, azw3 miniature previews in windows explorer-2.png

    Although i open them with SumatraPDF
    You will see Sumatra listed there. You will note it is listed for pdf. It is not listed for the file types you mention. Why? Because it does not provide preview handlers for them.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 5
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    and why the lastest! and most! updated windows (v10) has no such a simple thing as that? how is it posible?

    Here you can read something like I was refering to:

    Thumbnails in Windows Explorer - MobileRead Forums

    Installing a ".dll" they could generate thumbnails of .cbr and .cbz files (comics and so...) and modifying the registry of .epub, they could do the same for epub files. Does anyone know how to update this to windows 10, 64-bits, and for the rest of other files?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 44,067
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    and why the lastest! and most! updated windows (v10) has no such a simple thing as that? how is it posible?
    Why doesn't it have the ability by default to handle every single file type anyone is ever going to create? Because software authors can create their own file types. Windows knows nothing about them.

    For example, a clean install of Windows cannot handle docx or rar. You've heard of those, have you?

    Well, the ones you mention are probably less commonly used than those.

    And thank you again for your reply.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 17,841
    Windows 10

    Instead of all the aforementioned, why not just let the respective app handle the cover art?

    (BTW, Calibre has an update: Version: 4.10.1)

    Showing epub, mobi, djvu, azw3 miniature previews in windows explorer-003433.png
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 5
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    dalchina said:
    Why doesn't it have the ability by default to handle every single file type anyone is ever going to create? Because software authors can create their own file types. Windows knows nothing about them.

    For example, a clean install of Windows cannot handle docx or rar. You've heard of those, have you?

    Well, the ones you mention are probably less commonly used than those.

    And thank you again for your reply.
    but windows can handle jps, gif,etc, by default, and they didnt create those types of files... So, why they don't recognize the other most common types of files? even i had to install a third party extension to let my Windows 10 create thumbnails for pdfs, because nor windows nor acrobat reader did it by them selves for 64 bits.

    Many thanks for the apps, but i dont use them xD

    so, anyone knows of any handler for Windows10 64bits for those extensions? nobody?
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 4,201
    Windows 10 Pro x64 Latest RP

    You would be better off asking the question to the developer of Sumatra PDF who was apparently in the process of development of what you wanted four years ago ...

    eBook Thumbnail-Preview Handler Installer for Windows - SumatraPDF - Sumatra Reader Discussion Forum
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 44,067
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    mittuni said:
    but windows can handle jps, gif,etc, by default, and they didnt create those types of files... So, why they don't recognize the other most common types of files? even i had to install a third party extension to let my Windows 10 create thumbnails for pdfs, because nor windows nor acrobat reader did it by them selves for 64 bits.

    Many thanks for the apps, but i dont use them xD

    so, anyone knows of any handler for Windows10 64bits for those extensions? nobody?
    See discussion here e.g.
    Viewing .epub covers in Windows Explorer? - MobileRead Forums
    Epub cover won't display as preview thumbnail in file explorer - MobileRead Forums

    Ever heard of Paint? (I assume you mean jpgs) - i.e. those are file types for which Windows does provide some way of handling.

    You are not hearing the answer- or perhaps you simply don't want to listen and you want the answer you expect and only that.

    If unhappy, please feel free to use the Feedback Hub app to complain to MS.
    Last edited by dalchina; 16 Feb 2020 at 13:41.
      My Computers


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