Windows 10 1909 Search Is Frustrating To Use
Back in January I upgraded from 1809 to 1909 (I'd skipped 1903). By the end of the day I found myself reverting back to 1809. It was the only time ever I went back to a previous version of Windows after upgrading. There were certain aesthetic changes I didn't like, but the deal-breaker for me was the new search "improvements." (I'm referring to searching from a folder window.) Gone was the blue highlighting of correct syntax and the little assistive popups (like the calendar and file type index) when entering certain types of search terms. Also, there were odd little glitches like the search box freezing or being unable to alter or correct text without clearing it all and starting again. I use search quite a bit and these changes made it frustrating and unusable for me. It's like they stripped the search feature down to its bare bones.
I know there has been many others complaining about these things too, so the purpose of this post isn't to add to those complaints, but to find out if anyone can tell me if these things I mentioned have been fixed or re-implemented yet. If so, I'll be happy to upgrade again. If not, how long can I hang on to 1809 before an upgrade is forced on me?