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You can get 9 custom clips to copy and paste if you use:
Quick Cliq - portable application launcher and clipboard manager - Portable.
Quick Cliq Help Reference - Apathy Softworks - online help.
Open a text editor and select the text you want to assign to a clip to be copied whenever you like.
Use CTR+1 to copy to Clip 1
Paste Clip one using Alt+1
You can create up to 9 clips using CTRL+(1-9) and assign to Clip 1-9
To paste text just use Alt+1-9
Manage clips:
Right click a clip and choose edit to replace text or clear the text.
Just as a note, if you want t use AutoHotkey, as you need a constant bit of code, try something like this for example (ie use SendRaw instead of Send):
^l:: ; Control + l is the shortcut
fuion mction() {
docent.getntById("demo").iagra changed.";
<h2>AAAavat in Head</h2>
<p id="emo">Any Paragraph.</p>
<buton tpe="utton" nclik="mynction()">ry it</tton>
Enter at least two blank lines before the closing bracket if you want carriage return at the end -otherwise blank lines also work within the main body .
(Sorry for the gibberish code but otherwise it gets blocked by Cloudflair security service.)
Thanks Guys, that's valuable info. Especially your example Das10, which allowed my AutoHotKey to start working... but there's a problem. I'm using it after F12 in Chrome.. it seems to interpret or execute each line of my javascript (which I didn't write - it was given to me) and raises errors. Similarly pasting it into Notepad shows it slowly building & printing each line. Any way around that ?
Now will try Callenders quick Cliq.
- - - Updated - - -
Callender, Quick Cliq is working! Thanks... do you know if you can add a carriage return at the end?
Last edited by Callender; 09 Feb 2020 at 18:22. Reason: add i
Well that works in text editors when pasting clips but in Chrome it only pastes to the end of the line.
Actually if I use windows clipboard to copy text into chrome including blank lines and carriage returns nothing shows after the end of the text.
Yes, can't seem to include the CR either. But it's only one keypress more. Guess its not sending it, as it's part of the text itself... Makes sense I suppose. .
I reckon it's how the browser handles copied text. It must strip anything after the last character. It doesn't happen when pasting clips into documents. /that actually pastes the extra line or carriage return. Like you said it's one more button press.