W10 program icons disappear from desktop on re-boot

  1. Posts : 191

    W10 program icons disappear from desktop on re-boot


    W10 program icons disappear from dsktop on re-boot. See images below Yellow outlined Icons disappear next time I reboot laptop.

    My W10 ver is 1903 bld: 18362.592

    I delete the yellow outlined icons but they disappear from dsktop we Laptop is rebooted.
    W10 program icons disappear from desktop on re-boot-after.jpgW10 program icons disappear from desktop on re-boot-before.jpg

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 14,054
    Windows 11 Pro X64 22H2 22621.1848

    I delete the yellow outlined icons but they disappear from dsktop we Laptop is rebooted.
    If you've deleted the yellow outlined icons yet the disappear from the Desktop when you reboot, then they were not really deleted. If they were then there would be nothing to disappear at reboot time.

    Can you explain more please?
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 1,608
    Win 10 home 20H2 19042.1110

    You say you're working on Windows 10, but you have these detail specs ...is this your computer???

    Computer Type: PC/Desktop
    System Manufacturer/Model Number: MSI & Dsk Tp custom built
    OS: W7
    CPU: AMD * & Intel I5
    Motherboard: Asus
    Memory: 4 GB
    Graphics Card: ?
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 621
    win 10

    how are you putting those icons with the yellow boxes around them? as I see from your screen shots those are not shortcuts. can you put those somewhere else not on the deck top and then copy to the desktop as a short cut to see if they disappear again?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2,574
    Windows 10 Pro 64bit

    Have you set Windows to show hidden files/show hidden protected files? If so when you restart Windows this setting may return to default which is to hide them
      My Computer


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