Windows 10 1809 Home Edition support question!?
As we are all aware, Win10 Home 1809 support ends within the next few months.
My question is, will they keep getting security updates through the update utility or will they not? I don't care about the feature updates as I was never interested in beta testing the latest that they force feed on the general populace.
1809 builds have the same kernel that the LTSC, and in my eyes I see no reason why this version would suddenly fall out of "support" or whatever.
Can anyone definitively confirm that they will shut off updates through the Update agent for the Home Edition versions of the OS once the support deadline passes?
(Even though they will keep the version in support for LTSC, which is completely backwards[read re#arded] in my eyes)
The reason I want to know, is because I'm sitting on it. I have a few options configured to disable OS upgrades via the update utility, so I can use it like a regular user without ever having to worry about a surprise 10 minute "We are updating" screen after a boot up or restart.